首页> 外文期刊>Advanced Functional Materials >Influence of Bulky Organo-Ammonium Halide Additive Choice on the Flexibility and Efficiency of Perovskite Light- Emitting Devices

Influence of Bulky Organo-Ammonium Halide Additive Choice on the Flexibility and Efficiency of Perovskite Light- Emitting Devices


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Perovskite light-emitting diodes (LEDs) require small grain sizes to spatially confine charge carriers for efficient radiative recombination. As grain size decreases, passivation of surface defects becomes increasingly important. Additionally, polycrystalline perovskite films are highly brittle and mechanically fragile, limiting their practical applications in flexible electronics. In this work, the introduction of properly chosen bulky organo-ammonium halide additives is shown to be able to improve both optoelectronic and mechanical properties of perovskites, yielding highly efficient, robust, and flexible perovskite LEDs with external quantum efficiency of up to 13% and no degradation after bending for 10 000 cycles at a radius of 2 mm. Furthermore, insight of the improvements regarding molecular structure, size, and polarity at the atomic level is obtained with first-principles calculations, and design principles are provided to overcome trade-offs between optoelectronic and mechanical properties, thus increasing the scope for future highly efficient, robust, and flexible perovskite electronic device development.
机译:钙钛矿发光二极管(LED)需要较小的晶粒尺寸以在空间上限制电荷载流子,以实现有效的辐射复合。随着晶粒尺寸的减小,表面缺陷的钝化变得越来越重要。此外,多晶钙钛矿薄膜具有很高的脆性和机械脆弱性,限制了它们在柔性电子产品中的实际应用。在这项工作中,引入适当选择的笨重的有机铵卤化物添加剂能够提高钙钛矿的光电性能和机械性能,从而生产出高效,坚固且灵活的钙钛矿LED,其外部量子效率高达13%,并且在半径为2 mm的条件下弯曲10000次后,无降解。此外,通过第一性原理计算可以获得关于原子级分子结构,尺寸和极性的改进的见解,并提供了设计原理来克服光电和机械性能之间的折衷,从而扩大了未来高效能的范围,强大而灵活的钙钛矿电子设备开发。



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