首页> 外文期刊>ACM SIGIR FORUM >Information Retrieval Meets Game Theory: The Ranking Competition Between Documents’ Authors

Information Retrieval Meets Game Theory: The Ranking Competition Between Documents’ Authors


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In competitive search seŠings as theWeb, there is an ongoing rankingcompetition between document authors (publishers) for certainqueries. Œe goal is to have documents highly ranked, and themeans is document manipulation applied in response to rankings.Existing retrieval models, and their theoretical underpinnings (e.g.,the probability ranking principle), do not account for post-rankingcorpus dynamics driven by this strategic behavior of publishers.However, the dynamics has major e‚ect on retrieval e‚ectivenesssince it a‚ects content availability in the corpus. Furthermore, whilemanipulation strategies observed over the Web were reported inpast literature, they were not analyzed as ongoing, and changing,post-ranking response strategies, nor were they connected to thefoundations of classical ad hoc retrieval models (e.g., content-baseddocument-query surface level similarities and document relevancepriors). We present a novel theoretical and empirical analysis of thestrategic behavior of publishers using these foundations. Empiricalanalysis of controlled ranking competitions that we organizedreveals a key strategy of publishers: making their documents (gradually)become similar to documents ranked the highest in previousrankings. Our theoretical analysis of the ranking competition as arepeated game, and its minmax regret equilibrium, yields a result thatsupports the merits of this publishing strategy. We further showthat it can be predicted with high accuracy, and without explicitknowledge of the ranking function, whether documents will bepromoted to the highest rank in our competitions. ThŒe predictionutilizes very few features which quantify changes of documents,speci€cally with respect to those previously ranked the highest.
机译:在竞争力的搜索中,作为我们的竞争中,有一个持续的排名某些文件作者(出版商)之间的竞争查询。 œE目标是在高度排名的文件中,以及手段是响应排名应用的文档操作。现有的检索模型及其理论内限(例如,概率排名原则),不要占排名由出版商的这种战略行为驱动的语料库动态。然而,动态在检索e -ectivity上具有主要的e ..由于它是在语料库中的内容可用性。此外,而且报告了在网上观察到的操纵策略过去的文学,他们没有被视为持续的,而改变,排名后响应策略,也不是他们的经典临时检索模型的基础(例如,基于内容的文档查询表面级别相似度和文档相关性前锋)。我们提出了一种关于的新颖理论和实证分析出版商使用这些基础的战略行为。经验我们组织的控制排名竞争分析揭示出版商的关键策略:制定文件(逐步)变得类似于以前排名最高的文件排名。我们对排名竞争的理论分析重复游戏,其Minmax遗憾的均衡,产生结果支持此出版策略的优点。我们进一步展示它可以以高精度预测,而不明确了解排名功能,无论是文件都是在我们的比赛中晋升为最高等级。 thœe预测利用量化文件变化的很少的功能,在先前排名最高的那些方面规范。



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