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Analyzing the relationship between car generation and severity of motor-vehicle crashes in Denmark


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While the number of fatalities on Danish roads has decreased in the last 40 years, research has not investigated the contribution of legislation changes, enforcement measures, technological enhancements, infrastructural improvements and human factors to this reduction. In the context of a Danish car market with remarkably high registration tax that causes potential buyers to hold longer onto old cars, the relationship between technological enhancements of vehicles and severity of crashes requires particular attention.rnThe current study investigated the relationship between car generation (i.e., car's first registration year) and injury severity sustained by car drivers involved in accidents in Denmark between 2004 and 2010. A generalized ordered logit model was estimated while controlling for several characteristics of the crash, the vehicle and the persons involved, and a sensitivity analysis was performed to assess the effect of car generation on drivers' injury severity. Results illustrate that newer car generations are associated to significantly lower probability of injury and fatality, and that replacing older cars with newer ones introduces significant and not to be overlooked benefits for both population and society.
机译:尽管过去40年来丹麦道路上的死亡人数有所减少,但研究尚未调查立法变更,执法措施,技术改进,基础设施改善和人为因素对减少死亡的贡献。在丹麦汽车市场中,登记税过高,导致潜在购买者持有旧车的时间更长,因此,汽车技术改进与撞车严重性之间的关系需要特别关注。 ,是汽车的第一个注册年份)和2004年至2010年之间在丹麦发生事故的汽车驾驶员所承受的伤害严重程度。估算了通用有序logit模型,同时控制了撞车,车辆和所涉人员的几个特征,并进行了敏感性分析进行评估汽车生产对驾驶员伤害严重程度的影响。结果表明,新一代汽车与受伤和致死的可能性大大降低有关,而用新型汽车替代老旧汽车给人口和社会带来了巨大且不容忽视的收益。



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