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Motor excitability during movement preparation in Tourette syndrome




Tourette syndrome (TS) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by the occurrence of motor and vocal tics. TS has been linked to the impaired operation of cortical-striatal-thalamic-cortical circuits that give rise to hyper-excitability of cortical motor areas, which may be exacerbated by dysfunctional intra-cortical inhibitory mechanisms. That said, many individuals gain control over their tics during adolescence and it has been suggested that this increased control arises as a result of the development of mechanisms that operate to suppress corticospinal excitability (CSE) ahead of volitional movements. Here we used single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in conjunction with a manual Go/NoGo task to investigate alterations in CSE ahead of volitional movements in a group of adolescents with TS (N = 10). Our study demonstrated that CSE, as measured by TMS-induced motor-evoked potentials (MEPs), was significantly reduced in the TS group in the period immediately preceding a finger movement. More specifically, we show that individuals with TS, unlike their age-matched controls, do not exhibit the predicted increase in mean MEP amplitude and decrease in MEP variability that immediately precede the execution of volitional movements in typically developing young adults. Finally, we report that the magnitude of the rise in MEP amplitude across the movement preparation period in TS is significantly negatively correlated with clinical measures of motor tic severity, suggesting that individuals with severe motor tics are least able to modulate motor cortical excitability.
机译:Tourette综合征(TS)是一种神经发育障碍,其特征是运动和发声抽动的发生。 TS与皮质-纹状体-丘脑-皮质回路的功能受损有关,后者会引起皮质运动区的过度兴奋,而皮质内抑制机制失常可能加剧这种情况。就是说,许多人在青春期都获得了抽动的控制权,并且有人提出,这种控制力的提高是由于在自愿运动之前发展出可抑制皮质脊髓兴奋性(CSE)的机制而产生的。在这里,我们将单脉冲经颅磁刺激(TMS)与手动Go / NoGo任务结合使用,以研究一群TS(N = 10)青少年在自愿运动之前CSE的变化。我们的研究表明,通过TMS诱导的运动诱发电位(MEP)进行测量的CSE在手指移动之前的TS组显着降低。更具体地说,我们表明,与年龄匹配的对照人群不同,TS患者在一般发育的年轻人中,没有表现出预期的平均MEP幅度增加和MEP变异性降低,而这些变化是在自愿运动执行之前立即发生的。最后,我们报告了在运动准备期间,TS中MEP振幅的升高幅度与运动性抽动严重程度的临床指标显着负相关,这表明运动性抽动严重的人最不能够调节运动性皮层兴奋性。



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