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Frederik Ruysch (1638–1731): Historical perspective and contemporary analysis of his teratological legacy

机译:弗雷德里克·鲁伊斯(Frederik Ruysch1638–1731年):他的传统遗产的历史视角和当代分析



The Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) in Saint Petersburg is the oldest museum in Russia. It keeps the remains of the anatomical collection of the world‐famous 17th century Dutch anatomist Frederik Ruysch. This unique collection was bought and shipped in 1717 by Czar Peter the Great, and presently still comprises more than 900 specimens, a modest number of which concerns specimens with congenital anomalies. We searched for teratological clues in the existing collection and in all his descriptions and correspondence regarding specimens and cases he encountered during his career as doctor anatomiae and chief instructor of the surgeons and midwives in Amsterdam. A total of 63 teratological specimens and case descriptions were identified in this legacy, including some exceedingly rare anomalies. As it turns out, Ruysch was the first to describe several of the conditions we encountered, including intracranial teratoma, enchondromatosis, and Majewski syndrome. Although his comments pose an interesting view on how congenital anomalies were scientifically perceived in early 18th century Europe, Ruysch mostly refrained from explaining the causes of the conditions he encountered. Instead, he dedicated himself to careful descriptions of his specimens. Almost 300 years after his demise, Ruysch's legacy still impresses and inspires both scientists and lay men. © 2016 The Authors. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
机译:圣彼得堡的彼得人类学和人类学大博物馆(Kunstkamera)是俄罗斯最古老的博物馆。它保留了举世闻名的17世纪荷兰解剖学家Frederik Ruysch的解剖学遗迹。这个独特的收藏品由沙皇彼得大帝(Czar Peter the Great)于1717年购买和运输,目前仍包含900多个标本,其中不多的标本涉及具有先天性异常的标本。我们在现有馆藏以及他在担任解剖医生和阿姆斯特丹外科医生和助产士首席讲师的职业生涯中遇到的标本和病例的所有描述和往来中搜索了畸形学线索。在此遗留物中总共鉴定出63份畸形标本和病例描述,其中包括一些极为罕见的异常现象。事实证明,Ruysch是第一个描述我们所遇到的几种疾病的人,包括颅内畸胎瘤,内生软骨瘤病和Majewski综合征。尽管他的评论对18世纪初欧洲如何科学地认识到先天性异常提出了有趣的看法,但Ruysch大部分都没有解释他遇到的疾病的原因。相反,他专注于对标本的仔细描述。鲁西(Rysch)逝世近300年后,他的遗产仍然给科学家和非专业人士留下深刻的印象,并激发他们的灵感。 ©2016作者。 Wiley Periodicals,Inc.出版的《美国医学遗传学杂志》 A部分。



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