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Hepatitis C virus genotypes in the Middle East and North Africa: Distribution diversity and patterns




Our objective was to characterize the distribution, diversity and patterns of hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotypes in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Source of data was a database of HCV genotype studies in MENA populated using a series of systematic literature searches. Pooled mean proportions were estimated for each genotype and by country using DerSimonian‐Laird random‐effects meta‐analyses. Genotype diversity within countries was assessed using Shannon Diversity Index. Number of chronic infections by genotype and country was calculated using the pooled proportions and country‐specific numbers of chronic infection. Analyses were conducted on 338 genotype studies including 82 257 genotyped individuals. Genotype 1 was dominant (≥50%) in Algeria, Iran, Morocco, Oman, Tunisia, and UAE, and was overall ubiquitous across the region. Genotype 2 was common (10‐50%) in Algeria, Bahrain, Libya, and Morocco. Genotype 3 was dominant in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Genotype 4 was dominant in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Syria. Genotypes 5, 6, and 7 had limited or no presence across countries. Genotype diversity varied immensely throughout MENA. Weighted by population size, MENA's chronic infections were highest among genotype 3, followed by genotype 4, genotype 1, genotype 2, genotype 5, and genotype 6. Despite ubiquitous presence of genotype 1, the vast majority of chronic infections were of genotypes 3 or 4, because of the sizable epidemics in Pakistan and Egypt. Three sub‐regional patterns were identified: genotype 3 pattern centered in Pakistan, genotype 4 pattern centered in Egypt, and genotype 1 pattern ubiquitous in most MENA countries.
机译:我们的目标是表征中东和北非(MENA)丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)基因型的分布,多样性和模式。数据来源是使用一系列系统的文献检索在中东和北非地区进行的HCV基因型研究数据库。使用DerSimonian-Laird随机效应荟萃分析对每种基因型和国家/地区的合并平均比例进行了估计。使用香农多样性指数评估了国家内部的基因型多样性。使用汇总的比例和国家/地区特定的慢性感染数量,按基因型和国家/地区计算了慢性感染数量。对338个基因型研究进行了分析,其中包括82type257个基因型个体。基因型1在阿尔及利亚,伊朗,摩洛哥,阿曼,突尼斯和阿联酋占主导地位(≥50%),并且在整个区域普遍存在。基因型2在阿尔及利亚,巴林,利比亚和摩洛哥很常见(10-50%)。基因型3在阿富汗和巴基斯坦占主导地位。基因型4在埃及,伊拉克,约旦,巴勒斯坦,卡塔尔,沙特阿拉伯和叙利亚占主导地位。基因型5、6和7在各个国家/地区的分布有限或没有。在整个中东和北非地区,基因型多样性差异很大。按人口规模加权,MENA的慢性感染在基因型3中最高,其次是基因型4,基因型1,基因型2,基因型5和基因型6。 4,由于巴基斯坦和埃及的大规模流行病。确定了三个次区域模式:以巴基斯坦为中心的基因型3模式,以埃及为中心的基因型4模式以及在多数中东和北非国家普遍存在的基因型1模式。



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