首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Toxins >The Key Role of Peltate Glandular Trichomes in Symbiota Comprising Clavicipitaceous Fungi of the Genus Periglandula and Their Host Plants

The Key Role of Peltate Glandular Trichomes in Symbiota Comprising Clavicipitaceous Fungi of the Genus Periglandula and Their Host Plants




Clavicipitaceous fungi producing ergot alkaloids were recently discovered to be epibiotically associated with peltate glandular trichomes of Ipomoea asarifolia and Turbina corymbosa, dicotyledonous plants of the family Convolvulaceae. Mediators of the close association between fungi and trichomes may be sesquiterpenes, main components in the volatile oil of different convolvulaceous plants. Molecular biological studies and microscopic investigations led to the observation that the trichomes do not only secrete sesquiterpenes and palmitic acid but also seem to absorb ergot alkaloids from the epibiotic fungal species of the genus Periglandula. Thus, the trichomes are likely to have a dual and key function in a metabolic dialogue between fungus and host plant.
机译:最近发现,产生锁骨真菌的麦角生物碱与Con菜科的双子叶植物异叶番薯叶和Turbina corymbosa的叶状腺毛状体有表生关系。真菌和毛状体之间紧密联系的媒介可能是倍半萜,这是不同旋花植物挥发油中的主要成分。分子生物学研究和显微镜研究导致观察到,毛状体不仅分泌倍半萜烯和棕榈酸,而且似乎还从百日草属的表生真菌中吸收麦角生物碱。因此,毛状体可能在真菌和宿主植物之间的代谢对话中具有双重和关键功能。



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