class='kwd-title'>Abbreviations: CI, confidence '/> Maximum tolerated doses and erythropoiesis effects in the mouse bone marrow by 79 pesticides’ technical materials assessed with the micronucleus assay
首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Toxicology Reports >Maximum tolerated doses and erythropoiesis effects in the mouse bone marrow by 79 pesticides’ technical materials assessed with the micronucleus assay

Maximum tolerated doses and erythropoiesis effects in the mouse bone marrow by 79 pesticides’ technical materials assessed with the micronucleus assay




class="kwd-title">Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval of the mean; mg/kg b.w., milligram per kilogram of body weight; MTD, maximum tolerated dose; NCE, normochromatic erythrocyte; PCE, polychromatic erythrocyte; Es, total erythrocytes; MN test, micronucleus test class="kwd-title">Keywords: Pesticides, Triazoles, Maximum tolerated doses, Erythropoiesis, Micronucleus test, Mice class="head no_bottom_margin" id="abs0015title">AbstractEffects of technical materials of pesticide active ingredients, belonging to various chemical classes, on erythropoiesis in mouse bone marrow were studied as part of the research on the pesticide mutagenic activity in micronucleus test. The purpose of the present study was to estimate the toxic action of the test substances on the target organ and the validity of the results of the micronucleus assay under conditions of erythropoiesis suppression.It was demonstrated that intragastrically administrated triazole pesticides reached bone marrow (target organ where micronucleus induction was assessed) and exerted an inhibitory effect on erythropoiesis. The effects of triazole pesticides were enhanced in the following order: difenoconazole ≤ tebuconazole < cyproconazole < flutriafol. Furthermore, an association between structural features of molecules and specific target organ activity of the test pesticides was observed.Based on the data on the general toxicity and the results of the evaluation of the effects on erythropoiesis, the maximum tolerated doses (MTDs) of 79 different technical materials of pesticides for CD-1 mice were determined.
机译:<!-fig ft0-> <!-fig @ position =“ anchor” mode =文章f4-> <!-fig mode =“ anchred” f5-> <!-fig / graphic | fig / alternatives / graphic mode =“ anchored” m1-> class =“ kwd-title”>缩写: CI,均值的置信区间;毫克/千克体重,每千克体重毫克; MTD,最大耐受剂量; NCE,常色红细胞; PCE,多色红细胞; Es,总红细胞; MN测试,微核测试 class =“ kwd-title”>关键字:农药,三唑类,最大耐受剂量,促红细胞生成,微核测试,小鼠 class =“ head no_bottom_margin” id =“ abs0015title”>摘要研究了属于多种化学类别的农药活性成分技术材料对小鼠骨髓中红细胞生成的影响,这是微核试验中农药诱变活性研究的一部分。本研究的目的是评估在抑制红细胞生成的条件下受试物质对靶器官的毒性作用和微核测定结果的有效性。证明胃内施用的三唑类农药已到达骨髓(靶器官)其中评估了微核诱导),并对红细胞生成有抑制作用。三唑类杀虫剂的效果按以下顺序增强:敌苯并康唑≤戊唑醇<环丙康唑<氟氟酚。此外,还观察到了分子结构特征与被测农药的特定目标器官活性之间的联系。基于一般毒性数据和对红细胞生成作用的评估结果,最大耐受剂量(MTDs)为79确定了用于CD-1小鼠的农药的不同技术材料。



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