n are in bijective cor'/> Rota–Baxter operators and post-Lie algebra structures on semisimple Lie algebras
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Rota–Baxter operators and post-Lie algebra structures on semisimple Lie algebras




Rota–Baxter operators R of weight 1 on n are in bijective correspondence to post-Lie algebra structures on pairs (g,n), where n is complete. We use such Rota–Baxter operators to study the existence and classification of post-Lie algebra structures on pairs of Lie algebras (g,n), where n is semisimple. We show that for semisimple g and n, with g or n simple, the existence of a post-Lie algebra structure on such a pair (g,n) implies that g and n are isomorphic, and hence both simple. If n is semisimple, but g is not, it becomes much harder to classify post-Lie algebra structures on (g,n), or even to determine the Lie algebras g which can arise. Here only the case id="ilm0017">n=sl2(C) was studied. In this paper, we determine all Lie algebras id="ilm0018">g such that there exists a post-Lie algebra structure on id="ilm0019">(g,n) with id="ilm0020">n=sl2(C)sl2(C).
机译: n 与成对 g n ,其中 n 已完成。我们使用这样的Rota–Baxter运算符来研究成对的Lie代数上的后Lie代数结构的存在和分类 g n ,其中 n 是半简单的。我们证明了对于半简单的 g n ,其中带有 g n 很简单,在这样的 g < mi mathvariant =“ fraktur”> n 表示 g n 是同构的,因此两者都很简单。如果 n 是半简单的,但是 g < / mi> 并非如此,要在 g n ,甚至确定李代数 g 可能会出现。在这里只有案例 id =“ ilm0017”> <数学xmlns:mml =“ http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML” id =“ ID0EAAHAEACA”溢出=“ scroll”> < mi mathvariant =“ fraktur”> n = s l 2 C 进行了研究。在本文中,我们确定所有李代数 id =“ ilm0018”> <数学xmlns:mml =“ http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML” id =“ ID0EAAFAEACA”溢出=“滚动” > g ,这样在 id =“ ilm0019”> g n 与 id =“ ilm0020”> <数学xmlns:mml =“ http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML” id =“ ID0EAABAEACA” overflow =“ scroll”> n = s l < / mrow> 2 C s l 2 C



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