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Spontaneous cross-species imitation in interactions between chimpanzees and zoo visitors




Imitation is a cornerstone of human development, serving both a cognitive function (e.g. in the acquisition and transmission of skills and knowledge) and a social–communicative function, whereby the imitation of familiar actions serves to maintain social interaction and promote prosociality. In nonhuman primates, this latter function is poorly understood, or even claimed to be absent. In this observational study, we documented interactions between chimpanzees and zoo visitors and found that the two species imitated each other at a similar rate, corresponding to almost 10% of all produced actions. Imitation appeared to accomplish a social–communicative function, as cross-species interactions that contained imitative actions lasted significantly longer than interactions without imitation. In both species, physical proximity promoted cross-species imitation. Overall, imitative precision was higher among visitors than among chimpanzees, but this difference vanished in proximity contexts, i.e. in the indoor environment. Four of five chimpanzees produced imitations; three of them exhibited comparable imitation rates, despite large individual differences in level of cross-species interactivity. We also found that chimpanzees evidenced imitation recognition, yet only when visitors imitated their actions (as opposed to postures). Imitation recognition was expressed by returned imitation in 36% of the cases, and all four imitating chimpanzees engaged in so-called imitative games. Previously regarded as unique to early human socialization, such games serve to maintain social engagement. The results presented here indicate that nonhuman apes exhibit spontaneous imitation that can accomplish a communicative function. The study raises a number of novel questions for imitation research and highlights the imitation of familiar behaviours as a relevant—yet thus far understudied—research topic.Electronic supplementary materialThe online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s10329-017-0624-9) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
机译:模仿是人类发展的基石,它既具有认知功能(例如,技能和知识的获取和传播),又具有社会交流功能,通过模仿熟悉的行为,可以维持社会互动并促进社会亲密。在非人类的灵长类动物中,对后者的功能了解甚少,甚至声称不存在。在这项观察性研究中,我们记录了黑猩猩和动物园游客之间的相互作用,发现这两种物种以相似的速率相互模仿,几乎占所有产生的行为的10%。模仿似乎起到了社交交流的作用,因为包含模仿行为的跨物种的互动比没有模仿的互动持续的时间长得多。在两个物种中,物理上的接近都促进了跨物种的模仿。总体而言,访客之间的模仿精度要高于黑猩猩,但这种差异在邻近环境(即室内环境)中消失了。五只黑猩猩中有四只模仿。尽管跨物种互动水平的个体差异很大,但其中的三个表现出可比的仿制率。我们还发现,黑猩猩证明了其模仿识别能力,但只有当访客模仿他们的行为(而不是姿势)时,黑猩猩才可以模仿。模仿识别是在36%的案例中通过返回模仿来表示的,并且所有四个模仿黑猩猩都参与了所谓的模仿游戏。这种游戏以前被认为是早期人类社交活动所独有的,可用来维持社交参与度。此处显示的结果表明,非人类猿类表现出自发模仿,可以完成交流功能。该研究提出了许多用于模仿研究的新颖问题,并强调了模仿熟悉的行为作为相关的研究主题(迄今为止尚未被研究)。电子补充材料本文的在线版本(doi:10.1007 / s10329-017-0624-9) )包含补充材料,授权用户可以使用。



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