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Content of PAHs in soil of a hazel orchard depending on the method of weed control




PAHs belong to persistent organic pollutants (POPs) found in the natural environment. They eventually accumulate in the highest quantities in soil. The purpose of this study has been to determine quantities of PAHs in soil depending on the method applied to control weeds in rows of a 4-year plantation of hazel (mulch fabric, bark chips, sawdust, manure compost, bare fallow, chemical fallow, grass sward). The highest concentration of PAHs (16 PAHs) was found in soil kept as bare fallow. The second most abundant concentration of these compounds was determined in soil under grass sward, followed by soil under sawdust, chemical fallow, and fabric. Less of these compounds accumulated in soil mulched with bark chips. The best method for protection of orchard soil against the accumulation of unwanted and toxic PAHs was mulching with manure compost. In most cases, lower concentrations of PAHs (total 16) were found in the subsoil (30–60 cm) than in the topmost soil layer, except the soil covered with mulch fabric, where fourfold more PAHs accumulated.
机译:多环芳烃属于自然环境中存在的持久性有机污染物(POPs)。他们最终在土壤中积累最多。这项研究的目的是根据用于控制榛树4年种植行中的杂草(覆盖织物,树皮屑,锯末,肥料堆肥,裸露的休闲草,化学休闲草,草皮)。在裸露的土壤中发现了最高的PAHs(16 PAHs)。这些化合物的第二高浓度是在草皮下的土壤中测定的,其次是锯末,化学休闲和织物下的土壤。在树皮碎片覆盖的土壤中积累的这些化合物较少。保护果园土壤免受有害有害PAHs累积的最佳方法是覆盖肥料堆肥。在大多数情况下,地下土壤(30-60厘米)中的PAHs浓度较低(总计16-60),比最顶层的土壤层要低,但覆盖有覆盖织物的土壤除外,那里的PAHs积累了四倍。



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