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An SVM-Based Solution for Fault Detection in Wind Turbines




Research into fault diagnosis in machines with a wide range of variable loads and speeds, such as wind turbines, is of great industrial interest. Analysis of the power signals emitted by wind turbines for the diagnosis of mechanical faults in their mechanical transmission chain is insufficient. A successful diagnosis requires the inclusion of accelerometers to evaluate vibrations. This work presents a multi-sensory system for fault diagnosis in wind turbines, combined with a data-mining solution for the classification of the operational state of the turbine. The selected sensors are accelerometers, in which vibration signals are processed using angular resampling techniques and electrical, torque and speed measurements. Support vector machines (SVMs) are selected for the classification task, including two traditional and two promising new kernels. This multi-sensory system has been validated on a test-bed that simulates the real conditions of wind turbines with two fault typologies: misalignment and imbalance. Comparison of SVM performance with the results of artificial neural networks (ANNs) shows that linear kernel SVM outperforms other kernels and ANNs in terms of accuracy, training and tuning times. The suitability and superior performance of linear SVM is also experimentally analyzed, to conclude that this data acquisition technique generates linearly separable datasets.
机译:在具有各种可变负载和速度的机器(例如风力涡轮机)中进行故障诊断的研究具有很大的工业兴趣。为了诊断其机械传动链中的机械故障,仅分析风力涡轮机发出的功率信号是不够的。成功的诊断需要包括加速度计来评估振动。这项工作提出了一种用于风力涡轮机故障诊断的多传感器系统,并结合了数据挖掘解决方案来对涡轮机的运行状态进行分类。所选的传感器是加速度计,其中使用角重采样技术以及电,转矩和速度测量来处理振动信号。选择支持向量机(SVM)进行分类,其中包括两个传统内核和两个有希望的新内核。该多传感器系统已在测试台上经过验证,该测试台可模拟风力涡轮机的实际状况,并具有两种故障类型:失准和失衡。 SVM性能与人工神经网络(ANN)结果的比较表明,线性核SVM在准确性,训练和调整时间方面均优于其他核和ANN。还通过实验分析了线性SVM的适用性和优越性能,得出的结论是,该数据采集技术可生成线性可分离的数据集。



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