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Building Bridges for Asthma Care Program: A School-Centered Program Connecting Schools Families and Community Health-Care Providers




Asthma imposes tremendous burden on children, families, and society. Successful management requires coordinated care among children, families, health providers, and schools. Building Bridges for Asthma Care Program, a school-centered program to coordinate care for successful asthma management, was developed, implemented, and evaluated. The program consists of five steps: (1) identify students with asthma; (2) assess asthma risk/control; (3) engage the family and student at risk; (4) provide case management and care coordination, including engagement of health-care providers; and (5) prepare for next school year. Implementation occurred in 28 schools from two large urban school districts in Colorado and Connecticut. Significant improvements were noted in the proportions of students with completed School Asthma Care Plans, a quick-relief inhaler at school, Home Asthma Action/Treatment Plans and inhaler technique ( < .01 for all variables). Building Bridges for Asthma Care was successfully implemented extending asthma care to at-risk children with asthma through engagement of schools, health providers, and families.
机译:哮喘给儿童,家庭和社会带来了沉重负担。成功的管理需要儿童,家庭,医疗人员和学校之间的协调照料。建立,实施和评估了以哮喘为中心的桥梁计划,该计划以学校为中心,旨在协调护理工作以成功控制哮喘。该计划包括五个步骤:(1)确定患有哮喘的学生; (2)评估哮喘风险/控制; (3)让有风险的家庭和学生参与进来; (4)提供案件管理和护理协调,包括卫生保健提供者的参与; (5)准备下学年。来自科罗拉多州和康涅狄格州两个大型城市学区的28所学校实施了该计划。注意到完成了《学校哮喘护理计划》,在学校内使用速效吸入器,《家庭哮喘行动/治疗计划》和吸入器技术的学生比例有显着改善(所有变量均<.01)。通过学校,卫生服务提供者和家庭的参与,成功实施了建立哮喘护理桥梁,将哮喘护理扩展到高危哮喘儿童。



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