首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences >Functional basis of the sexual dimorphism in the auditory fovea of the duetting bushcricket Ancylecha fenestrata

Functional basis of the sexual dimorphism in the auditory fovea of the duetting bushcricket Ancylecha fenestrata

机译:二重性cri bushAncylecha fenestrata听觉中央凹中性二态性的功能基础



From mammals to insects, acoustic communication is in many species crucial for successful reproduction. In the duetting bushcricket Ancylecha fenestrata, the mutual acoustic communication between males and females is asymmetrical. We investigated how those signalling disparities are reflected by sexual dimorphism of their ears. Both sexes have tympanic ears in their forelegs, but male ears possess a significantly longer crista acustica containing 35% more scolopidia. With more sensory cells to cover a similar hearing range, the male hearing organ shows a significantly expanded auditory fovea that is tuned to the dominant frequency of the female reply to facilitate phonotactic mate finding. This sex-specific auditory fovea is demonstrated in the mechanical and neuronal responses along the tonotopically organized crista acustica by laservibrometric and electrophysiological frequency mapping, respectively. Morphometric analysis of the crista acustica revealed an interrupted gradient in organ height solely within this auditory fovea region, whereas all other anatomical parameters decrease continuously from proximal to distal. Combining behavioural, anatomical, biomechanical and neurophysiological information, we demonstrate evidence of a pronounced auditory fovea as a sex-specific adaptation of an insect hearing organ for intraspecific acoustic communication.
机译:从哺乳动物到昆虫,声音传播对于成功繁殖至关重要。在二重丛林criAncylecha fenestrata中,雄性和雌性之间的相互声通信是不对称的。我们调查了这些信号差异如何通过耳朵的性二态性反映出来。男性和女性的前腿都有鼓膜耳朵,但男性的耳朵具有明显更长的cr形耳,其中头孢菌病多出35%。随着更多的感觉细胞覆盖相似的听觉范围,男性听觉器官显示出明显扩大的听觉中央凹,其调整至女性回答的主导频率,以促进光音疗法伴侣的发现。这种性别特定的听觉中央凹分别通过激光振动法和电生理频率图谱显示在沿着局部有组织的cr耳的机械和神经元反应中。对cus骨的形态分析表明,仅在该听觉中央凹区域内器官高度的梯度梯度中断,而所有其他解剖参数从近端到远端不断降低。结合行为,解剖,生物力学和神经生理学信息,我们证明了明显的听觉中央凹是昆虫听觉器官针对种内声通信的性别特异性适应的证据。



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