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A Mechanistic Model for Cooperative Behavior of Co-transcribing RNA Polymerases




In fast-transcribing prokaryotic genes, such as an rrn gene in Escherichia coli, many RNA polymerases (RNAPs) transcribe the DNA simultaneously. Active elongation of RNAPs is often interrupted by pauses, which has been observed to cause RNAP traffic jams; yet some studies indicate that elongation seems to be faster in the presence of multiple RNAPs than elongation by a single RNAP. We propose that an interaction between RNAPs via the torque produced by RNAP motion on helically twisted DNA can explain this apparent paradox. We have incorporated the torque mechanism into a stochastic model and simulated transcription both with and without torque. Simulation results illustrate that the torque causes shorter pause durations and fewer collisions between polymerases. Our results suggest that the torsional interaction of RNAPs is an important mechanism in maintaining fast transcription times, and that transcription should be viewed as a cooperative group effort by multiple polymerases.
机译:在快速转录的原核基因中,例如大肠杆菌中的rrn基因,许多RNA聚合酶(RNAP)会同时转录DNA。 RNAP的主动延长通常会被停顿打断,这被认为会导致RNAP交通阻塞。然而,一些研究表明,在存在多个RNAP时,伸长似乎比单个RNAP的伸长快。我们建议通过RNAP运动在螺旋扭曲的DNA上产生的扭矩在RNAP之间的相互作用可以解释这种明显的悖论。我们将扭矩机制纳入了随机模型,并模拟了有无扭矩情况下的转录过程。仿真结果表明,扭矩导致较短的暂停时间和较少的聚合酶之间的碰撞。我们的结果表明,RNAP的扭转相互作用是维持快速转录时间的重要机制,并且转录应被视为多种聚合酶的协同作用。



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