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Collecting size-selectivity data for Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) with a trawl independent towing rig

机译:使用不依赖拖网的拖船来收集南极磷虾(Euphausia superba)的尺寸选择性数据



For the development of efficient trawls to minimize catch loss, escape mortality and potential negative ecosystem impacts from the fishery, the understanding about trawl selectivity processes are crucial. Small crustaceans are regarded as being less motile than most fish species. Crustaceans also display low levels of active avoidance from trawl netting, which in turn may cause direct contact with netting on multiple occasions on their passage towards the codend increasing the probability for escapement. Full-scaled experiments to estimate gear selectivity are highly resource demanding and are highly technically challenging for several types of fisheries. In this study, we developed and tested a trawl-independent towed-rig construction designed to investigate size selectivity of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba). The results indicate that valid selectivity estimates can be obtained using this method, but due to the small sample size, results are inconclusive. However, the findings of the current study show a potential for developing easier and more cost-effective ways of investigating and estimating size selectivity of Antarctic krill and other small crustacean species in trawls.
机译:为了开发有效的拖网以最大程度地减少捕捞损失,逃逸死亡率和渔业潜在的负面生态系统影响,对拖网选择性过程的理解至关重要。小甲壳动物被认为比大多数鱼类都缺乏运动能力。甲壳类动物对拖网的主动回避能力也很低,这反过来又可能导致网在通向code时多次与网直接接触,从而增加了逃逸的可能性。估计渔具选择性的大规模实验对资源的要求很高,并且对几种类型的渔业来说在技术上都具有挑战性。在这项研究中,我们开发并测试了与拖网无关的拖挂式钻机结构,旨在研究南极磷虾(Euphausia superba)的尺寸选择性。结果表明,使用这种方法可以得到有效的选择性估计值,但是由于样本量较小,结果尚无定论。但是,当前研究的结果表明,有可能开发更简便,更具成本效益的方法来调查和估算拖网中的南极磷虾和其他小型甲壳类物种的大小选择性。



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