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Considerations on the Current Universal Vaccination Policy against Hepatitis A in Greece after Recent Outbreaks




Greece is the only European Union member state that in 2008 included hepatitis A (HAV) vaccine in the routine national childhood immunization program (NCIP). Given that the resources allocated to public health have dramatically decreased since 2008 and that Greece is a low endemicity country for the disease, the benefit from universal vaccination has been questioned. The aim of this paper is to summarize the available epidemiological data of the disease for 1982-2013, and discuss the effects of universal vaccination on disease morbidity. Descriptive analysis, ARIMA modeling and time series intervention analysis were conducted using surveillance data of acute HAV. A decreasing trend of HAV notification rate over the years was identified (p<0.001). However, universal vaccination (~ 80% vaccine coverage of children) had no significant effect on the annual number of reported cases (p = 0.261) and has resulted to a progressive increase of the average age of infection in the general population. The mean age of cases before the inclusion of the vaccine to NCIP (24.1 years, SD = 1.5) was significantly lower than the mean age of cases after 2008 (31.7 years, SD = 2.1) (p<0.001). In the last decade, one third of all reported cases were Roma (a population accounting for 1.5% of the country’s total population) and in 2013 three outbreaks with 16, 9 and 25 Roma cases respectively, were recorded, indicating the decreased effectiveness of the current immunization strategy in this group. Data suggest that universal vaccination may need to be re-considered. Probably a more cost effective approach would be to implement a program that will include: a) vaccination of high risk groups, b) universal vaccination of Roma children and improving conditions at Roma camps, c) education of the population and travel advice, and d) enhancement of the control measures to increase safety of shellfish and other foods.
机译:希腊是欧盟唯一在2008年将A型肝炎(HAV)疫苗纳入常规国家儿童免疫计划(NCIP)的成员国。鉴于自2008年以来分配给公共卫生的资源急剧减少,并且希腊是该病的低流行国家,因此普遍接种疫苗的好处受到质疑。本文的目的是总结1982-2013年该疾病的可用流行病学数据,并讨论普遍接种疫苗对疾病发病率的影响。使用急性HAV的监测数据进行描述性分析,ARIMA建模和时间序列干预分析。多年来,HAV通报率呈下降趋势(p <0.001)。但是,普遍接种疫苗(约80%的儿童接种疫苗)对每年报告的病例数没有显着影响(p = 0.261),并导致普通人群的平均感染年龄逐渐增加。向NCIP接种疫苗之前的平均病例年龄(24.1岁,SD = 1.5)显着低于2008年之后的平均病例年龄(31.7岁,SD = 2.1)(p <0.001)。在过去十年中,报告的所有病例中有三分之一是罗姆人(占该国总人口的1.5%),2013年记录了三起暴发,分别发生了16、9和25起罗姆人病例,这表明该疾病的有效性下降。该组当前的免疫策略。数据表明,可能需要重新考虑普遍接种疫苗。可能更具成本效益的方法是实施一个方案,其中包括:a)对高危人群进行疫苗接种,b)对罗姆儿童进行普遍疫苗接种并改善罗姆难民营的条件,c)人口教育和旅行建议,以及d )加强控制措施,以增加贝类和其他食品的安全性。



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