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Comparative Genomics Identifies the Mouse Bmp3 Promoter and an Upstream Evolutionary Conserved Region (ECR) in Mammals




The Bone Morphogenetic Protein (BMP) pathway is a multi-member signaling cascade whose basic components are found in all animals. One member, BMP3, which arose more recently in evolution and is found only in deuterostomes, serves a unique role as an antagonist to both the canonical BMP and Activin pathways. However, the mechanisms that control BMP3 expression, and the cis-regulatory regions mediating this regulation, remain poorly defined. With this in mind, we sought to identify the Bmp3 promoter in mouse (M. musculus) through functional and comparative genomic analyses. We found that the minimal promoter required for expression in resides within 0.8 kb upstream of Bmp3 in a region that is highly conserved with rat (R. norvegicus). We also found that an upstream region abutting the minimal promoter acts as a repressor of the minimal promoter in HEK293T cells and osteoblasts. Strikingly, a portion of this region is conserved among all available eutherian mammal genomes (47/47), but not in any non-eutherian animal (0/136). We also identified multiple conserved transcription factor binding sites in the Bmp3 upstream ECR, suggesting that this region may preserve common cis-regulatory elements that govern Bmp3 expression across eutherian mammals. Since dysregulation of BMP signaling appears to play a role in human health and disease, our findings may have application in the development of novel therapeutics aimed at modulating BMP signaling in humans.
机译:骨形态发生蛋白(BMP)途径是一个多成员信号传导级联,其​​基本成分存在于所有动物中。一个成员,BMP3,最近才进化出来,仅在氘核口中被发现,它作为经典BMP和激活素途径的拮抗剂起着独特的作用。但是,控制BMP3表达的机制以及介导该调控的顺式调控区域仍然不清楚。考虑到这一点,我们试图通过功能和比较基因组分析来鉴定小鼠(小家鼠)中的Bmp3启动子。我们发现表达所需的最小启动子位于Bmp3上游0.8 kb内,该区域与大鼠(R. norvegicus)高度保守。我们还发现,邻接最小启动子的上游区域充当HEK293T细胞和成骨细胞中最小启动子的阻遏物。令人惊讶的是,该区域的一部分在所有可用的以太子哺乳动物基因组中是保守的(47/47),但在任何非以太子动物中却不是(0/136)。我们还在Bmp3上游ECR中鉴定了多个保守的转录因子结合位点,表明该区域可能保留了控制整个eutherian哺乳动物Bmp3表达的常见顺式调控元件。由于BMP信号的失调似乎在人类健康和疾病中起作用,因此我们的发现可能已在开发旨在调节人类BMP信号的新型疗法中得到应用。



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