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Geographical Variation in Egg Mass and Egg Content in a Passerine Bird




Reproductive, phenotypic and life-history traits in many animal and plant taxa show geographic variation, indicating spatial variation in selection regimes. Maternal deposition to avian eggs, such as hormones, antibodies and antioxidants, critically affect development of the offspring, with long-lasting effects on the phenotype and fitness. Little is however known about large-scale geographical patterns of variation in maternal deposition to eggs. We studied geographical variation in egg components of a passerine bird, the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca), by collecting samples from 16 populations and measuring egg and yolk mass, albumen lysozyme activity, yolk immunoglobulins, yolk androgens and yolk total carotenoids. We found significant variation among populations in most egg components, but ca. 90% of the variation was among individuals within populations. Population however explained 40% of the variation in carotenoid levels. In contrast to our hypothesis, we found geographical trends only in carotenoids, but not in any of the other egg components. Our results thus suggest high within-population variation and leave little scope for local adaptation and genetic differentiation in deposition of different egg components. The role of these maternally-derived resources in evolutionary change should be further investigated.
机译:许多动植物类群的生殖,表型和生活史特征显示地理差异,表明选择制度的空间差异。母体沉积在禽蛋上的激素,抗体和抗氧化剂等物质会严重影响后代的发育,并对表型和适应性产生长期影响。然而,关于产妇产卵变化的大规模地理模式知之甚少。我们通过收集16个种群的样本并测量蛋和蛋黄质量,蛋白溶菌酶活性,蛋黄免疫球蛋白,蛋黄雄激素和蛋黄总类胡萝卜素,研究了一只雀形目鸟类(斑鸠(Ficedula hypoleuca))的卵成分的地理差异。我们发现大多数蛋成分的种群之间存在显着差异,但是大约是。 90%的变异是在人群中的个体之间。然而,人群解释了类胡萝卜素水平变化的40%。与我们的假设相反,我们仅在类胡萝卜素中发现了地理趋势,而在其他任何鸡蛋成分中却没有发现。因此,我们的结果表明,种群内变异较高,而在不同卵成分的沉积中,局部适应和遗传分化的余地很小。这些来自母亲的资源在进化变化中的作用应进一步研究。


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