首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>PLoS Clinical Trials >Interplant Communication of Tomato Plants through Underground Common Mycorrhizal Networks

Interplant Communication of Tomato Plants through Underground Common Mycorrhizal Networks




Plants can defend themselves to pathogen and herbivore attack by responding to chemical signals that are emitted by attacked plants. It is well established that such signals can be transferred through the air. In theory, plants can also communicate with each other through underground common mycorrhizal networks (CMNs) that interconnect roots of multiple plants. However, until now research focused on plant-to-plant carbon nutrient movement and there is no evidence that defense signals can be exchanged through such mycorrhizal hyphal networks. Here, we show that CMNs mediate plant-plant communication between healthy plants and pathogen-infected tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). After establishment of CMNs with the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus mosseae between tomato plants, inoculation of ‘donor’ plants with the pathogen Alternaria solani led to increases in disease resistance and activities of the putative defensive enzymes, peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase, chitinase, β-1,3-glucanase, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase and lipoxygenase in healthy neighbouring ‘receiver’ plants. The uninfected ‘receiver’ plants also activated six defence-related genes when CMNs connected ‘donor’ plants challenged with A. solani. This finding indicates that CMNs may function as a plant-plant underground communication conduit whereby disease resistance and induced defence signals can be transferred between the healthy and pathogen-infected neighbouring plants, suggesting that plants can ‘eavesdrop’ on defence signals from the pathogen-challenged neighbours through CMNs to activate defences before being attacked themselves.
机译:通过响应被攻击植物发出的化学信号,植物可以抵御病原体和草食动物的攻击。众所周知,这种信号可以通过空中传输。从理论上讲,植物还可以通过互连多个植物根部的地下常见菌根网络(CMN)相互通信。但是,直到现在,研究都集中在植物间碳营养素的运动上,还没有证据表明可以通过这种菌根菌丝网络来交换防御信号。在这里,我们显示CMNs介导健康植物与病原体感染的番茄植物之间的植物-植物通讯(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill。)。在番茄植株之间以丛枝菌根真菌Glomus mosseae建立CMN后,用病原体链格孢菌接种'供体'植株导致抗病性增强以及推定的防御酶,过氧化物酶,多酚氧化酶,几丁质酶,β-1的活性健康的邻近“接收者”植物中的-3-葡聚糖酶,苯丙氨酸氨解酶和脂氧合酶。当CMN连接了受到A. solani攻击的“供体”植物时,未感染的“受体”植物还激活了六个与防御相关的基因。这一发现表明CMNs可以作为植物-植物地下通讯管道,从而在健康和病原体感染的邻近植物之间传递抗病性和诱导的防御信号,这表明植物可以“侦听”来自病原体挑战的防御信号邻居通过CMN激活防御措施,然后再遭到攻击。



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