首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine : PEHM >“Advice to the medical students in my service”: the rediscovery of a golden book by Jean Hamburger, father of nephrology and of medical humanities

“Advice to the medical students in my service”: the rediscovery of a golden book by Jean Hamburger, father of nephrology and of medical humanities

机译:“为我的医学生提供的建议”:肾脏病学和医学人文科学之父让·汉堡(Jean Hamburger)重新发现了一本金书



Jean Hamburger (1909–1992) is considered the founder of the concept of medical intensive care (réanimation médicale) and the first to propose the name Nephrology for the branch of medicine dealing with kidney diseases. One of the first kidney grafts in the world (with short-term success), in 1953, and the first dialysis session in France, in 1955, were performed under his guidance. His achievements as a writer were at least comparable: Hamburger was awarded several important literary prizes, including prix Femina, prix Balzac and the Cino del Duca prize (1979), awarded, among others, to Jorge Luis Borges and Konrad Lorenz.Here we would like to offer a selected reading of a “golden” book, “Conseils aux étudiants en medicine de mon service” (“Advice to the Medical Students in my Service”), the first book dedicated to patient-physician relationship in Nephrology, written when dialysis and transplantation were becoming clinical options (1963). The themes include: the central role of the patient, who should be known by name, profession, life style, and not by disease; the importance of the setting of the care; the need for truth-telling and for leaving hope; the role of research not only in the progression of science, but also in the daily clinical practice.
机译:吉恩·汉堡(Jean Hamburger,1909–1992年)被认为是重症监护概念(réanimationmédicale)的奠基人,并且是第一个为肾脏疾病医学分支提出肾脏病学名称的人。在他的指导下,于1953年在世界上进行了第一批肾移植手术(取得了短暂的成功),并于1955年在法国进行了第一次透析。他作为作家的成就至少可以与之媲美:汉堡获得了多个重要的文学奖,包括Femina奖,Balzac奖和Cino del Duca奖(1979年),其中包括授予Jorge Luis Borges和Konrad Lorenz等人。想要提供“黄金”书籍的精选阅读,“医学咨询服务”(“对我的服务的医学生的建议”),这是第一本专门介绍肾病患者-医师关系的书,写于透析和移植正成为临床选择(1963年)。主题包括:患者的中心作用,应该通过名字,专业,生活方式而不是疾病来知道;设置护理的重要性;需要讲真话和留下希望;研究的作用不仅在科学发展中,而且在日常临床实践中也是如此。



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