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Andrewess christmas fairy tale: atypical thinking about cancer aetiology in 1935




This paper uses a short ‘Christmas fairy-story for oncologists’ sent by Christopher Andrewes with a 1935 letter to Peyton Rous as the centrepiece of a reflection on the state of knowledge and speculation about the viral aetiology of cancer in the 1930s. Although explicitly not intended for public circulation at the time, the fairy-story merits publication for its significance in the history of ideas about viruses, which are taken for granted today. Andrewes and Rous were prominent members of the international medical research community and yet faced strong resistance to their theory that viruses could cause such tumours as chicken sarcomas and rabbit papillomas. By looking at exchanges between these men among themselves and other proponents of their theories and with their oncologist detractors, we highlight an episode in the behind-the-scenes workings of medical science and show how informal correspondence helped keep alive a vital but then heterodox idea about the role of viruses in causing cancer.
机译:本文使用克里斯托弗·安德鲁斯(Christopher Andrewes)寄给他的1935年给佩顿·鲁斯(Peyton Rous)的一封简短的“肿瘤学家的圣诞童话故事”作为对1930年代癌症病毒病因学的知识状态和推测的反思的中心内容。尽管当时明确不打算公开发行,但童话故事还是值得一提的,因为它在有关病毒的思想史中具有重要意义。安德鲁斯和鲁斯是国际医学研究界的杰出成员,但他们对病毒可能引起鸡肉瘤和兔乳头瘤等肿瘤的理论遭到强烈抵制。通过观察这些人与他们的理论的其他支持者之间以及与肿瘤学家的反对者之间的交流,我们重点介绍了医学幕后工作中的一个事件,并展示了非正式通信如何帮助维持了一个至关重要但后来变得怪异的想法关于病毒在致癌中的作用。



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