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Direct Invasion of the Optic Nerves, Chiasm, and Tracts by Cryptococcus neoformans in an Immunocompetent Host




Cryptococcus spp is a common fungal infection and frequent cause of meningitis in immunocompromised patients; however, immunocompetent patients are also at risk of infection. Visual loss often occurs via elevated intracranial hypertension but can rarely occur through direct optic nerve, chiasm, or tract invasion. We report a case of a 38-year-old woman who presented with decreased acuity in both eyes. She had generalized visual field constriction in the right eye and temporal hemianopsia in the left eye. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain and orbits showed multiple areas of ill-defined enhancement in the optic chiasm and tracts as well as in the diaphragmatic sella, prepontine and interpeduncular cisterns, and along cranial nerves VI, VII, and VIII bilaterally. Initial cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) showed 34 white blood cells, hypoglycorrhachia, and negative cryptococcal antigen and bacterial and fungal cultures. A transphenoidal biopsy of the dura and pituitary gland was unremarkable. Empiric steroids resulted in marked improvement in visual acuity in both eyes, but while tapering steroids, she developed rapid visual loss bilaterally. Repeat CSF performed 6 weeks later demonstrated a cryptococcal antigen titer of 1:512. Retroactive staining of the pituitary biopsy was positive for mucicarmine, a component of the polysaccharide capsule of Cryptococcus spp. After induction therapy with amphotericin B and flucytosine and 1 year of fluconazole, her visual acuity was 20/20 in both eyes. In summary, Cryptococcus can affect immunocompetent patients and often presents with insidious, chronic meningitis. Visual loss is common in cryptococcal meningitis but usually results from fulminant papilledema related to elevated intracranial pressure. In rare cases, direct nerve or chiasm infiltration by the fungus results in vision loss.
机译:隐球菌属spp是常见的真菌感染,是免疫功能低下患者脑膜炎的常见原因。但是,有免疫能力的患者也有感染的风险。视力丧失通常是由于颅内高压升高而发生,但很少是由于直接的视神经,正畸或管道侵入而发生。我们报告了一例38岁女性双眼视力下降的情况。她的右眼视野狭窄,左眼颞偏盲。脑部和眶部的磁共振成像显示,视交叉和视神经束,sell肌蝶鞍,前桥和椎间盘水箱以及沿颅神经VI,VII和VIII的多个区域模糊不清。最初的脑脊液(CSF)显示34个白细胞,低血糖,阴性的隐球菌抗原以及细菌和真菌培养物。经硬脑膜和垂体的经蝶窦活检效果不明显。经验性类固醇可明显改善两只眼睛的视力,但在逐渐减少类固醇的同时,她的双侧视力也迅速消失。 6周后重复进行CSF,证明隐球菌抗原滴度为1:512。垂体活检的回顾性染色显示粘液胭脂红为隐球菌属多糖荚膜的组成部分。经过两性霉素B和氟胞嘧啶的诱导治疗以及1年的氟康唑的治疗,两只眼睛的视力均为20/20。总而言之,隐球菌会影响有免疫能力的患者,并常伴有隐匿性慢性脑膜炎。视力丧失在隐球菌性脑膜炎中很常见,但通常是由于与颅内压升高相关的暴发性乳头水肿引起的。在极少数情况下,真菌直接引起的神经或黑质浸润会导致视力丧失。



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