首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Mediterranean Journal of Hematology and Infectious Diseases >In Vivo Emergence of UL56 C325Y Cytomegalovirus Resistance to Letermovir in a Patient with Acute Myeloid Leukemia after Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation

In Vivo Emergence of UL56 C325Y Cytomegalovirus Resistance to Letermovir in a Patient with Acute Myeloid Leukemia after Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation

机译:造血细胞移植后急性髓细胞白血病患者对letermovir的UL56 C325Y巨细胞病毒的体内抗药性



CMV associated tissue-invasive disease is associated with a considerable risk of morbidity and mortality after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Recently, the terminase inhibitor letermovir (LMV) has been approved for prophylaxis of CMV infection in HSCT. We hereby report a 60-year-old female experiencing CMV reactivation after HSCT in a CMV seronegative donor-constellation. Due to ongoing elevated CMV viral load and drug-associated myelosuppression, which prevented ganciclovir therapy, treatment was replaced by foscarnet. Due to nephrotoxicity, foscarnet was switched to LMV. The patient developed skin GvHD and prednisolone was started. Subsequently, CMV viremia worsened despite LMV therapy. Genotyping revealed the mutation C325Y of the CMV UL56 terminase being associated with high-level resistance against LMV. Prolonged uncontrolled low-level viremia due to prednisolone treatment may have favored the selection of drug-resistant CMV. Despite the excellent toxicity profile of LMV, physicians should be aware of risk factors for the emergence of resistance.
机译:与CMV相关的组织浸润性疾病与同种异体造血干细胞移植(HSCT)后的发病率和死亡风险相当大。最近,端粒酶抑制剂letermovir(LMV)已被批准用于预防HSCT中的CMV感染。我们在此报告60岁女性在CMV血清阴性供体星座中HSCT后经历CMV激活。由于持续升高的CMV病毒载量和与药物相关的骨髓抑制,阻止了更昔洛韦治疗,因此用膦甲酸代替了治疗。由于肾毒性,将膦甲酸改为LMV。患者出现皮肤GvHD,开始泼尼松龙治疗。随后,尽管进行了LMV治疗,但CMV病毒血症仍恶化。基因分型显示,CMV UL56末端酶的C325Y突变与对LMV的高水平抗性相关。由于泼尼松龙治疗导致的长期不可控制的低水平病毒血症可能有利于选择耐药性CMV。尽管LMV具有出色的毒性特征,但医生仍应意识到耐药性出现的危险因素。



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