首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences >Ablative Fractional 10 600 nm Carbon Dioxide Laser Versus Non-ablative Fractional 1540 nm Erbium-Glass Laser in Egyptian Post-acne Scar patients

Ablative Fractional 10 600 nm Carbon Dioxide Laser Versus Non-ablative Fractional 1540 nm Erbium-Glass Laser in Egyptian Post-acne Scar patients

机译:埃及痤疮后疤痕患者使用烧蚀性分数10 600 nm二氧化碳激光与非烧蚀性分数1540 nm-玻璃激光



>Introduction: Non-ablative fractional erbium-doped glass 1540 nm and fractional ablative 10600 nm carbon dioxide lasers are regarded as effective modalities for treating acne atrophic scars. In this study, we aimed to compare the effectiveness of fractional CO2 laser and fractional nonablative 1540 nm erbium doped glass laser in treating post acne atrophic scars in Egyptian patients. >Methods: Fifty-eight patients complaining of moderate and severe acne atrophic scars were randomly divided into 2 groups of 29 patients each. Both groups were subjected to 4 treatment sessions with 3 weeks interval and were followed up for 3 months. In group A, enrolled patient sreceived C2 laser, while in group B, patients were treated with 1540 nm erbium glass fractional laser. >Results: Clinical assessment revealed that the mean grades of progress and improvement were higher with fractional 10600 nm CO2 laser but with non-significant difference between both treatments (P = 0.1). The overall patients’ satisfaction with both lasers were not significantly different (P = 0.44). >Conclusion: Both fractional ablative CO2 and fractional non-ablative erbium glass lasers are good modalities for treating acne scars with a high efficacy and safety profile and good patient satisfaction. The fractional ablative laser showed higher efficacy while non-ablative laser offered less pain and shorter downtime.
机译:>简介:非消融性掺fraction玻璃1540 nm和分数消融性掺烧10600 nm二氧化碳激光器被认为是治疗痤疮萎缩性瘢痕的有效方法。在这项研究中,我们旨在比较部分CO2激光和部分非烧蚀1540 nm掺do玻璃激光在治疗埃及患者痤疮后萎缩性瘢痕中的有效性。 >方法:将58位抱怨中度和重度痤疮萎缩性疤痕的患者随机分为2组,每组29位。两组均以3周为间隔进行4次治疗,并随访3个月。在A组中,入组患者接受C2激光治疗,而在B组中,患者接受1540 nm glass玻璃分数激光治疗。 >结果:临床评估显示,分数10600 nm CO2激光的平均进展和改善等级较高,但两种治疗之间的差异无统计学意义(P = 0.1)。患者对两种激光的总体满意度没有显着差异(P = 0.44)。 >结论:分数烧蚀CO2和分数非烧蚀玻璃激光器都是治疗痤疮疤痕的好方法,具有很高的疗效和安全性,并且患者满意度高。分数烧蚀激光显示出更高的功效,而非烧蚀激光提供更少的痛苦和更短的停机时间。



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