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Empowering radiologie education on the internet: A new virtual website technology for hosting interactive educational content on the world wide web




Objective: We describe a virtual web site hosting technology that enables educators in radiology to emblazon and make available for delivery on the world wide web their own interactive educational content, free from dependencies on in-house re-sources and policies.Materials/Methods: Ibis suite of technologies includes a graphically oriented software application, designed for the computer novice, to facilitate the input, storage, and management of domain expertise within a database system. The database stores this expertise as choreographed and interlinked multimedia entities including text, imagery, interactive questions, and audio. Case-based presentations or thematic lectures can be authored locally, previewed locally within a web browser, then uploaded at will as packaged knowledge objects to an educator’s (or department’s) personal web site housed within a virtual server architecture. This architecture can host an unlimited number of unique educational web sites for individuals or departments in need of such service. Each virtual site’s content is stored within that site’s protected back-end database connected to Internet Information Server (Microsoft Corp, Redmond WA) using a suite of Active Server Page (ASP) modules that incorporate Microsoft’s Active Data Objects (ADO) technology. Each person’s or department’s electronic teaching material appears as an independent web site with different levels of access—controlled by a username-password strategy—for teachers and students. There is essentially no static hypertext markup language (HTML). Rather, all pages displayed for a given site are rendered dynamically from case-based or thematic content that is fetched from that virtual site’s database. The dynamically rendered HTML is displayed within a web browser in a Socratic fashion that can assess the recipient’s current fund of knowledge while providing instantaneous user-specific feedback. Each site is emblazoned with the logo and identification of the participating institution. Individuals with teacher-level access can use a web browser to upload new content as well as manage content already stored on their virtual site. Each virtual site stores, collates, and scores participants’ responses to the interactive questions posed on line.Conclusion: This virtual web site strategy empowers the educator with an end-to-end solution for creating interactive educational content and hosting that content within theeducator’s personalized and protected educational site on the world wide web, thus providing a valuable outlet that can magnify the impact of his or her talents and contributions.
机译:目标:我们描述了一种虚拟网站托管技术,该技术使放射学教育工作者能够轻松表达自己的互动式教育内容,并可以在互联网上发布,而无需依赖内部资源和政策。 Ibis技术套件包括一个面向图形的软件应用程序,专为计算机新手而设计,可简化数据库系统中领域专业知识的输入,存储和管理。该数据库将这种专业知识存储为经过编排和链接的多媒体实体,包括文本,图像,交互式问题和音频。可以在本地创作基于案例的演示文稿或主题演讲,可以在网络浏览器中进行本地预览,然后将其作为打包的知识对象随意上传到虚拟服务器体系结构内的教育者(或部门)的个人网站。这种体系结构可以为需要此类服务的个人或部门托管无限数量的独特教育网站。每个虚拟站点的内容都使用集成了Microsoft主动数据对象(ADO)技术的Active Server Page(ASP)模块套件,存储在该站点受保护的后端数据库中,该后端数据库连接到Internet Information Server(微软公司,华盛顿州雷蒙德)。每个人或部门的电子教材都显示为一个独立的网站,可供教师和学生使用不同的访问级别(受用户名密码策略控制)。基本上没有静态超文本标记语言(HTML)。而是,从给定站点显示的所有页面都是从该虚拟站点的数据库中提取的基于案例的主题内容来动态呈现的。动态呈现的HTML以Socratic方式显示在网络浏览器中,可以评估收件人当前的知识储备,同时提供特定于用户的即时反馈。每个站点上都印有参与机构的徽标和标识。具有教师级别访问权限的个人可以使用网络浏览器上载新内容以及管理已经存储在其虚拟站点上的内容。每个虚拟站点都对参与者对在线互动问题的回答进行存储,整理和评分。结论:该虚拟网站策略使教育者能够获得端到端解决方案,以创建交互式教育内容并将其托管在教育者的个性化内容中互联网上受保护的教育网站,从而提供了宝贵的渠道,可以扩大其才能和贡献的影响。



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