首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of the Boston Society of Medical Sciences >Light and electron microscopic localization of beta-amyloid protein in muscle biopsies of patients with inclusion-body myositis.

Light and electron microscopic localization of beta-amyloid protein in muscle biopsies of patients with inclusion-body myositis.




In 11 of 11 inclusion-body myositis (IBM) patients, including one hereditary case, vacuolated muscle fibers contained large and multiple small inclusions immunoreactive for beta-amyloid protein (beta AP). All IBM muscle biopsies had characteristic cytoplasmic tubulo-filaments (CTFs) by electron microscopy. None of 14 control muscle biopsies contained the beta AP immunoreactive (IR) inclusions characteristic of IBM. On the light microscopy level, beta AP-IR inclusions colocalized with ubiquitin immunoreactivity. By immunogold electronmicroscopy, beta AP immunoreactivity was localized to a) amorphous, poorly defined structures, b) dense floccular material, c) clusters of loosely packed amyloidlike fibrils 6-8 nm in diameter, and d) poorly defined loose fibrillar structures 6-8 nm in diameter. beta AP immunoreactive structures were often in proximity to CTFs, but CTFs themselves never contained beta AP-IR. Our study provides the first demonstration of beta AP accumulations in abnormal human muscle. This finding suggests that in addition to Alzheimer's disease, Down syndrome, and Dutch-type hereditary cerebrovascular amyloidosis, beta AP may play an important role in the pathogenesis of other diseases, including ones outside the central nervous system, for example, IBM.
机译:在11名包涵体肌性肌炎(IBM)患者中,有11名患者(包括1例遗传性病例),空腹肌纤维含有对β-淀粉样蛋白(beta AP)具有免疫反应性的大和多个小包涵体。通过电子显微镜检查,所有IBM肌肉活检均具有特征性细胞质微管丝(CTF)。 14例对照肌肉活检中没有一个包含IBM特有的βAP免疫反应性(IR)夹杂物。在光学显微镜下,βAP-1R夹杂物与泛素免疫反应性共定位。通过免疫金电子显微镜检查,βAP的免疫反应性定位于a)无定形的,结构不清的结构,b)絮凝的致密材料,c)直径为6-8 nm的疏松堆积的淀粉样纤维簇,以及d)定义不清的疏松的原纤维结构6-8直径nm。 βAP的免疫反应结构通常靠近CTF,但CTF本身从未包含βAP-1R。我们的研究首次证明了βAP在人体异常肌肉中的蓄积。这一发现表明,除了老年痴呆症,唐氏综合症和荷兰型遗传性脑血管淀粉样变性病外,βAP可能在其他疾病的发病机理中也起着重要作用,包括中枢神经系统以外的疾病,例如IBM。



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