首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of the Boston Society of Medical Sciences >Overexpression of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) in the Retinal Pigment Epithelium Leads to the Development of Choroidal Neovascularization

Overexpression of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) in the Retinal Pigment Epithelium Leads to the Development of Choroidal Neovascularization




Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) has been strongly implicated in the development of choroidal neovascularization found in age-related macular degeneration. Normally expressed in low levels, this study investigates whether the overexpression of VEGF in the retinal pigment epithelium is sufficient to cause choroidal neovascularization in the rat retina. A recombinant adenovirus vector expressing the rat VEGF164 cDNA (AdCMV.VEGF) was constructed and injected into the subretinal space. The development of neovascularization was followed by fluorescein angiography, which indicates microvascular hyperpermeability of existing and/or newly forming blood vessels, and histology. VEGF mRNA was found to be overexpressed by retinal pigment epithelial cells and resulted in leaky blood vessels at 10 days postinjection, which was maintained for up to 31 days postinjection. By 80 days postinjection, new blood vessels had originated from the choriocapillaris, grown through the Bruch’s membrane to the subretinal space, and disrupted the retinal pigment epithelium. This ultimately led to the formation of choroidal neovascular membranes and the death of overlying photoreceptor cells. By controlling the amount of virus delivered to the subretinal space, we were able to influence the severity and extent of the resulting choroidal neovascularization. These results show that even temporary overexpression of VEGF in retinal pigment epithelial cells is sufficient to induce choroidal neovascularization in the rat eye.
机译:血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)与年龄相关性黄斑变性中脉络膜新血管形成的发展密切相关。通常以低水平表达,这项研究调查了视网膜色素上皮中VEGF的过度表达是否足以引起大鼠视网膜的脉络膜新血管形成。构建表达大鼠VEGF164 cDNA(AdCMV.VEGF)的重组腺病毒载体,并将其注入视网膜下腔。新血管形成的发展随后是荧光素血管造影,其指示现有和/或新形成的血管的微血管通透性高,以及组织学特征。发现VEGF mRNA在视网膜色素上皮细胞中过表达,并在注射后10天导致血管渗漏,并在注射后最多维持31天。注射后80天,新血管已经从脉络膜毛细血管起源,穿过Bruch膜生长到视网膜下间隙,并破坏了视网膜色素上皮。最终导致脉络膜新血管膜的形成和上层感光细胞的死亡。通过控制传递到视网膜下间隙的病毒数量,我们能够影响所产生的脉络膜新血管形成的严重程度和程度。这些结果表明,即使在视网膜色素上皮细胞中VEGF的暂时过度表达也足以在大鼠眼中诱导脉络膜新血管形成。



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