首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Journal of Biophysical and Biochemical Cytology >Strongylocentrotus purpuratus spindle tubulin. I. Characteristics of its polymerization and depolymerization in vitro

Strongylocentrotus purpuratus spindle tubulin. I. Characteristics of its polymerization and depolymerization in vitro




Tubulin was extracted from spindles isolated from embryos of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, repolymerized in vitro, and purified through three cycles of temperature-dependent assembly and disassembly. In addition to the tubulin, these preparations contain a protein of 80 kdaltons and a small but variable amount of actin. At 37 degrees C, the tubulin polymerizes with a critical concentration of 0.15-0.2 mg/ml into smooth-walled polymers which contain predominantly 14 protofilaments. Removal of the 80 kdalton protein and the actin by DEAE-chromatography does not change the critical concentration for polymerization. At 15 degrees C, which is within the range of physiological temperatures for S. purpuratus embryos, the spindle tubulin will self-assemble, but the rate of total polymer formation is very slow, requiring hours in the test tube. This rate can be increased by shearing the polymerizing microtubules, creating more ends for assembly, indicating that the slow rate of polymer formation is due to a slow rate of self-initiation. If spindle tubulin is polymerized at 37 degrees C and then lowered to 15 degrees C, some polymer will be retained, the percentage of which depends on the protein concentration. These results demonstrate that spindle tubulin from S. purpuratus will assemble at 37 degrees C with a low critical concentration for polymerization in the absence of detectable MAPs and will self-assemble and maintain steady state levels of polymer at physiological temperatures.
机译:微管蛋白从海胆Strongylocentrotus purpuratus的胚中分离出来的纺锤体中提取,在体外进行聚合,并通过三个依赖温度的组装和拆卸循环进行纯化。除微管蛋白外,这些制剂还包含80道尔顿的蛋白质和少量但可变的肌动蛋白。在37℃下,微管蛋白以0.15-0.2mg / ml的临界浓度聚合成光滑壁聚合物,其主要包含14个原丝。通过DEAE色谱法除去80kdalton蛋白和肌动蛋白不会改变聚合的临界浓度。在15摄氏度(处于紫癜葡萄球菌胚的生理温度范围内)中,纺锤微管蛋白会自组装,但总聚合物形成的速度非常缓慢,需要在试管中放置数小时。可以通过剪切聚合微管,产生更多的组装末端来增加该速率,这表明聚合物形成的缓慢速率是由于缓慢的自引发速率。如果纺锤体微管蛋白在37摄氏度下聚合,然后降至15摄氏度,则会保留一些聚合物,其百分比取决于蛋白质浓度。这些结果表明,在没有可检测到的MAP的情况下,来自紫氏链霉菌的纺锤微管蛋白将在低临界浓度下于37摄氏度下组装,并在生理温度下自组装并保持聚合物的稳态水平。



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