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  • 机译 富血小板血浆用于雄激素性脱发:文献综述和拟议的治疗方案
    摘要:Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is a common hair loss disorder caused by genetic and hormonal factors that are characterized by androgen-related progressive thinning of scalp hair in a defined pattern. By the age of 60 years, 45% of men and 35% of women develop AGA. Currently, U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved treatments for AGA include oral finasteride and topical minoxidil. Due to the limited number of effective therapies for AGA, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has become an effective alternative treatment. PRP is an autologous concentration of platelets in plasma with numerous growth factors that contribute to hair regeneration. The growth factors contained within the alpha granules of platelets act on stem cells in the bulge area of the hair follicles and stimulate the development of new follicles along with neovascularization. PRP has become a promising treatment modality for AGA. Although there have been several studies previously reported, a standard practice for PRP preparation and administration as well as a method to evaluate results have not been established. This literature review was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of PRP for AGA and discuss the various treatment protocols that have been proposed.
  • 机译 在女性中使用填充剂进行面部结构年轻化的方法
    摘要:Newer understanding of volume loss as a critical component of facial aging and the integration of volume replacement into the surgical and nonsurgical therapeutic algorithm is arguably the most significant recent development in the field of facial rejuvenation. As all structural tissues play a role in the aging face, restoring youthful characteristics (or establishing them where they are congenitally absent) starts from the skeletal framework and builds progressively to the canvas of the face. The purpose of this article is to provide an introduction and brief summary of some of the current concepts concerning facial anatomy and the anatomy of facial aging, which serve as the basis for predictable and reproducible results with the use of injectable fillers. This article does not include the various types of fillers or techniques of filler injection, but covers how to decide where to use the filler and why, in different faces, as a result of the recognition and targeted correction of currently recognized specific anatomic deficiencies.
  • 机译 橘皮组织的治疗
    • 作者:Neil Sadick
    • 刊名:International Journal of Women's Dermatology
    • 2019年第1期
    摘要:Cellulite is a multifactorial condition that is present in 80% to 90% of postpubertal women and is one of the most intolerable esthetic imperfections. There are several theories on the pathophysiology of cellulite, and a number of different therapeutic regimens have been developed, from topical treatments to mechanical or energy-based devices. In this brief review, we summarize the scientific landscape to determine the clinical evidence with regard to the safety and efficacy of cellulite treatment options. Clinical protocols and the author’s experience using a combination of internal and external procedures are also discussed. Studies using laser and light modalities along with radiofrequency have shown improvements in cellulite and a good safety profile, but acoustic wave therapy, subcision, and the 1440-nm Nd:YAG minimally invasive laser have demonstrated the most beneficial results in cellulite reduction. Although there is paucity of scientific evidence for treatments that improve cellulite, future emerging options and their combination may pave the way to eradicate this primarily cosmetic esthetic concern.
  • 机译 与隆胸相关的皮肤并发症:综述
    • 作者:S. ChopraD. Marucci
    • 刊名:International Journal of Women's Dermatology
    • 2019年第1期
    摘要:Breast augmentation is one of the most popular and safe cosmetic procedures performed by plastic surgeons worldwide. Although breast implants are available in a number of different materials, silicone-filled implants remain the most common type. However, prior to the development of breast implants, various materials were injected into the soft tissues of the breasts to increase breast volume, which caused cutaneous complications and disfigurement. This review details the history of breast augmentation, the current methods used in augmentation surgery, and associated cutaneous complications.
  • 机译 阴道回春术:从手术刀到魔杖
    摘要:Vaginal rejuvenation procedures are increasing in popularity in terms of types of treatment offered, number of patients undergoing them, clinical studies, and in the controversy surrounding them. Both non-invasive and invasive solutions are being developed by pharmaceutical and technological companies. Radiofrequency devices and lasers are spearheading the energy-based device space, and fillers and platelet-rich plasma are used to address several concerns surrounding vaginal health. In this review, an overview of the growing field of vaginal rejuvenation is presented, as well as the authors’ personal view and analysis of this clinical space.
  • 机译 缺乏雌激素的皮肤:局部治疗的作用
    摘要:Menopause is a major turning point in a woman’s life that is characterized by declining ovarian function and decreased serum estrogen levels. The resulting hormonal changes particularly affect the skin, with postmenopausal symptoms such as loss of structural architecture and increased propensity to damage becoming rapidly noticeable. Interestingly, studies have shown that estrogen deprivation in postmenopausal conditions accelerates many skin changes, including dryness, atrophy, fine wrinkling, and poor wound healing. Thus, the effects of low estrogen on the skin are an important endogenous cause of aging skin in women, yet topical treatment strategies that target cutaneous symptoms are limited. The goal of this article is to provide an overview of the role of estrogen in the skin and changes associated with estrogen deficiency, as well as review alternatives to systemic estrogen therapy and describe the effects of these interventions on cutaneous aging in postmenopausal skin. Specifically, clinical studies that utilize topical estrogens and topical isoflavones, which are soy-derived compounds that interact with estrogen receptors, are discussed.
  • 机译 性别会影响出版机会吗?
    • 作者:Jane M. Grant-Kels
    • 刊名:International Journal of Women's Dermatology
    • 2019年第2期
  • 机译 氨氯地平诱发的线性免疫球蛋白A病女性的一系列异常临床特征
    摘要:Linear immunoglobulin A disease (LAD) is a rare, autoimmune, vesicular-bullous disease that is either idiopathic or drug-induced, most commonly by vancomycin and in rare instances by amlodipine. In drug-induced LAD, certain uncommon and atypical clinical features can occur. In our patient, a 49-year-old woman with amlodipine-induced LAD, atypical features such as koebnerization and palmo-plantar involvement occurred. She presented with tense, clear fluid-filled vesicles, bullae, and erosions all over her body, especially on the palms and soles, with some lesions showing a string-of-pearls appearance. The lesions were preceded by pruritus, and the patient had changed her anti-hypertensive medication from telmisartan to telmisartan-amlodipine for previous 10 days. Skin biopsy and direct immunofluorescence testing confirmed LAD. During the hospital stay, along with new crops of lesions, a few vesicles were present along the lines where she had scratched and the band of tight elastic sleeves of the sterile gown she wore, which is suggestive of koebnerization. Knowing the atypical manifestations of drug-induced LAD may aid clinicians in determining an early diagnosis, and LAD should be an important consideration in the differential diagnosis of vesiculobullous disease with palmar-plantar involvement. Amlodipine is a commonly used anti-hypertensive drug, so knowledge of its potential to cause this disease is important. Furthermore, knowing the potential for koebnerization, avoidance of trauma and the gentle handling of these patients can lead to early recovery from this self-limiting disease.
  • 机译 寻常型天疱疮患者的疾病感知
    摘要:ObjectiveLittle is known about illness perception in patients with pemphigus vulgaris (PV). We designed a cross-sectional study to clarify the beliefs about PV.
  • 机译 与未受累皮肤相比,扁平苔藓的生物物理和超声检查变化
    摘要:BackgroundLichen planus (LP) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin. Currently, noninvasive techniques are used to evaluate biophysical properties of the skin in vivo.
  • 机译 沙特阿拉伯非医学,女大学生对阳光照射和使用防晒的知识,态度和实践:横断面研究
    摘要:Excessive unprotected sun exposure is a significant risk factor for skin damage and skin cancers. In recent decades, the incidence of skin cancer has increased dramatically worldwide, reaching epidemic proportions. Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer worldwide, and the ninth most common malignancy in Saudi Arabia. Sun protection is a key primary preventive strategy against skin cancer and skin damage induced by sun exposure.Herein, a cross-sectional study was made to evaluate the knowledge, attitude, and practices toward sun exposure, and the use of sun protection among non-medical female students on the Sulaymaniyah campus of the King Abdul-Aziz University. Also, we identified the reasons that prevented the students from using sun protection measures. A special-designed, self-administered questionnaire was applied on a sample size of 501 students. We found that most students were aware of the risks of unprotected sun exposure. Nevertheless, a view of sunscreen as harmful was reported (34.1%). Seeking shade and wearing protective clothing were the most used sun protection methods (58.1% and 43.1%, respectively). Sunscreen users made up only one third of our sample (23.6%). However, the majority of students (64.9%) did not know about the sun protection factor of sunscreen products. Discomfort felt on the skin was the most commonly reported reason for avoiding the use of sunscreen (40.7%). When comparing our study with Western studies, we found a high level of awareness among our sample of students. Significant differences in the attitude toward the application of suntan and sun protection products might be due to differences in cultural background. Our results spotted the need for future health education programs for our society that focus on the significant importance of sunscreen, as well as the correct methods of application.
  • 机译 小儿黑色素瘤-整个(利益冲突)故事
  • 机译 额叶纤维性脱发:发病机理和治疗假说的最新进展
    摘要:Frontal fibrosing alopecia (FFA) is a relatively new scarring alopecia that is considered a variant of lichen planopilaris (LPP) with no recognized promising treatments. In this study, we tried to clarify the underlying signaling pathways and their roles in the pathogenesis and progression of FFA. Because of several differences in clinical manifestations, response to treatments, and pathological findings, these two conditions could be differentiated from each other. Taking into account the already discussed signaling pathways and involved players such as T cells, mast cells, and sebaceous glands, different possible therapeutic options could be suggested. In addition to treatments supported by clinical evidence, such as 5 alpha-reductase inhibitors, topical calcineurin inhibitors, hydroxychloroquine, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma agonists, and oral retinoid agents, various other treatment strategies and drugs, such as phototherapy, Janus kinase inhibitors, dehydroepiandrosterone, sirolimus, cetirizine, and rituximab, could be suggested to mitigate disease progression. Of course, such lines of treatment need further evaluation in clinical trials.
  • 机译 放射治疗患者的湿性脱屑治疗
    摘要:Moist desquamation occurs in approximately 36% of patients who receive radiation therapy and is associated with severe opioid-resistant pain and discomfort. Moist desquamation is typically at its worst within 1 to 3 weeks after treatment conclusion and resolves over a period of 6 weeks. Herein, we present a therapeutic pearl for the treatment of moist desquamation based on methods from the burn literature, with the goal of helping patients who undergo radiation therapy for breast cancer and other indications.
  • 机译 自我注射维生素A油引起的面部脂肪肉芽肿
    摘要:Lipogranulomas represent foreign body reactions to exogenous lipid or oil-like substances introduced into the skin. These lesions characteristically have round-to-ovoid, vacuole-like cavities of varying sizes in the dermis, which results in a Swiss cheese-like appearance. We present the case of a 51-year-old Hispanic woman with an onset of painful, swollen, subcutaneous nodules on the face, most prominently on the right lower lip and both cheeks, after multiple self-injections of vitamin A oil. Histopathology test results of the lower lip showed a superficial-to-deep, nodular and interstitial, polymorphous inflammatory infiltrate of predominantly histiocytes with necrobiotic-type granulomatous changes, lymphocytes, and plasma cells. The cheek revealed deep dermal and subcutaneous small collections of foamy/vacuolated histiocytes, without significant numbers of other inflammatory cells. Given the patient’s history of injecting oil extracted from vitamin A capsules into her skin, the light microscopic features are consistent with lipogranulomatous changes that are secondary to a local injection of foreign material. Clinicians and pathologists should be aware of the granulomatous immune reaction generated by the injection of unregulated products into the face and other areas of the body.
  • 机译 深层组织受累的卢贡葡萄球菌脓肿
  • 机译 一名孕妇中的非典型芽孢杆菌病
    摘要:Blastomycosis is a rare fungal infection that frequently involves the skin. Atypical presentations are important to identify, especially in pregnant patients, to initiate appropriate therapy and prevent complications. Uniquely, we describe a case of atypical blastomycosis that presented with painful cutaneous abscesses in a pregnant patient, with dissemination to the central nervous system. The case was successfully treated with liposomal amphotericin B transitioned to voriconazole after delivery without complications for the patient or fetus.
  • 机译 文字回收:科学写作中的自-窃
    摘要:To further the progress of scientific research and expand the literature, authors and editors share a common goal of producing and reviewing innovative publications. However, as publication rates increase, so does the amount of detected plagiarism, including self-plagiarism. This concept, also referred to as text recycling, is defined as the repurposing of one’s own previously published work in new publications without referencing the original source. There are advocates both for and against versions of text recycling, but without a universal protocol for authors and editors of what constitutes self-plagiarism, there is no strict standard among journals as to what is unethical. The advent of online text duplication detection software has been increasingly used by journals to assure that all published work is novel, but challenges remain. Converging on standardized guidelines would be beneficial with regard to text recycling and improving author education and the promotion of active communication between journals and authors during the submission process if confusion arises.
  • 机译 坚定不移的医生揭示了医学奥秘
  • 机译 女性银屑病治疗的临床考虑
    摘要:The burden of psoriasis is particularly high for women, who report lower levels of happiness (women: 18.5%; men: 11.3% lower vs. general population) and are more likely to experience stress (women: > 60%; men: 42%), loneliness (women: 25-28%; men: 19-24%), stigmatization (Feelings of Stigmatization Questionnaire score; women: 93.2; men: 78.0), and reduced sexual activity (women: 33%; men: 19%) compared with men. The onset of psoriasis is bimodal, with one incidence peak (15-30 years) that coincides with the prime reproductive age for women, which poses specific challenges for their treatment. However, well-established guidelines for the treatment of women of childbearing age are lacking. Many women experience stabilization (21%) or improvement (55%) of their skin during pregnancy, but up to a quarter can experience disease worsening, and postpartum flares are common (> 50%). Therefore, balancing the risk of treatment with the risk of uncontrolled disease is important. Because half of pregnancies are unplanned, the implications of therapeutic options must be considered for all women with psoriasis who are sexually active, irrespective of intentions to start a family. Timely initiation of these discussions by health care professionals is paramount to prevent unintentional toxicity to the developing fetus. For example, acitretin, methotrexate, and oral psoralen/ultraviolet A are all contraindicated in pregnancy. Reassuringly, safety data for other psoriasis treatments during pregnancy are increasingly available, particularly for anti-tumor necrosis factor therapies. Despite encouraging data from pregnancy exposure registries and clinical studies now being included in anti-tumor necrosis factor drug labels, comfort with prescribing these therapies to pregnant women remains low (U.S. dermatologists: 21%; EU-5 dermatologists: 10%). In this article, we review issues specific to treating women of childbearing age with psoriasis and highlight the need for treatment guidelines to ensure consistent care and optimal outcomes for these patients.


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