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Are You What You Read? Predicting Implicit Attitudes to Immigration Based on Linguistic Distributional Cues From Newspaper Readership; A Pre-registered Study




The implicit association test (IAT) measures bias towards often controversial topics (e.g., race, religion), while newspapers typically take strong positive/negative stances on such issues. In a pre-registered study, we developed and administered an immigration IAT to readers of the Daily Mail (a typically anti-immigration publication) and the Guardian (a typically pro-immigration publication) newspapers. IAT materials were constructed based on co-occurrence frequencies from each newspapers’ website for immigration-related terms (migrant/immigrant) and positive/negative attributes (skilled/unskilled). Target stimuli showed stronger negative associations with immigration concepts in the Daily Mail compared to the Guardian, and stronger positive associations in the Guardian corpus compared to the Daily Mail corpus. Consistent with these linguistic distributional differences, Daily Mail readers exhibited a larger IAT bias, revealing stronger negative associations to immigration concepts compared to Guardian readers. This difference in overall bias was not fully explained by other variables, and raises the possibility that exposure to biased language contributes to biased implicit attitudes.
机译:隐性联想测验(IAT)衡量人们对经常引起争议的话题(例如种族,宗教)的偏见,而报纸通常会在此类问题上采取强烈的积极/消极立场。在一项预先注册的研究中,我们为《每日邮报》(通常是反移民出版物)和《卫报》(通常是赞成移民出版物)的读者开发并管理了移民IAT。 IAT材料是根据各报纸网站上与移民相关的术语(移民/移民)和积极/消极属性(熟练/不熟练)的同现频率而构建的。与《卫报》相比,目标刺激在《每日邮报》中显示出与移民概念的消极关联,与《每日邮报》相比在卫报语料库中表现出更强的正向联想。与这些语言分布上的差异相一致,《每日邮报》的读者表现出更大的IAT偏见,与《卫报》的读者相比,揭示出与移民概念之间更强的负面联系。总体偏见的这种差异不能由其他变量完全解释,并且增加了暴露于偏见语言导致偏向内隐态度的可能性。



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