首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Frontiers in Pediatrics >Focus on Cardiologic Findings in 30 Children With PANS/PANDAS: An Italian Single-Center Observational Study

Focus on Cardiologic Findings in 30 Children With PANS/PANDAS: An Italian Single-Center Observational Study

机译:意大利单中心观察研究重点关注30名PANS / PANDAS儿童的心脏检查结果



>Objective: Cardiac involvement in PANS has not been clarified relying on the scientific literature available until today. It is known that streptococcal infections play a role in the etiology of a great number of diseases including Sydenham chorea and rheumatic fever, among others. Based on the suspected pathogenesis of PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal infections) reported in the medical literature, we decided to investigate the cardiologic involvement in children with a recent PANS/PANDAS diagnosis.>Methods: The study population satisfies PANS () and PANDAS () criteria of diagnoses. Cardiologic assessment was performed through clinical examination, electrocardiography, and echocardiography.>Results: In the selected pediatric population, a significant number of children presented mitral valve involvement, systolic murmurs and electrocardiographic abnormalities. High ASLOT levels did not seem to be associated to a cardiac involvement.>Conclusions: Often PANS is difficult to diagnose because it is little known by physicians and most of the cardiologic findings described in this study are common among the healthy pediatric population. Also, ASLOT levels seems not to be predictive of cardiac involvement. Furthermore, the existence of PANDAS as a clinical entity is associated with a group of anti-neuronal autoantibodies found in Sydenham chorea is still controversial. We recommend a complete cardiologic evaluation in those children who meet the PANS/PANDAS diagnostic criteria.
机译:>目的:直到今天,依赖于现有的科学文献,尚不清楚心脏是否参与PANS。众所周知,链球菌感染在包括Sydenham chorea和风湿热在内的许多疾病的病因中起作用。基于医学文献中报道的PANDAS(与链球菌感染有关的小儿自身免疫性神经精神疾病)的可疑发病机制,我们决定调查最近诊断为PANS / PANDAS的儿童的心脏疾病。>方法:研究人群满足PANS()和PANDAS()诊断标准。通过临床检查,心电图和超声心动图进行心脏评估。>结果:在所选的儿科人群中,大量儿童表现出二尖瓣受累,收缩期杂音和心电图异常。高ASLOT水平似乎与心脏受累无关。>结论:通常PANS难以诊断,因为它很少被医生知道,并且本研究中描述的大多数心脏病发现在心脏疾病中很常见。健康的儿科人群。同样,ASLOT水平似乎不能预测心脏受累。此外,PANDAS作为临床实体的存在与在Sydenham chorea中发现的一组抗神经元自身抗体有关仍存在争议。我们建议对符合PANS / PANDAS诊断标准的儿童进行全面的心脏评估。



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