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Immunization with H1 HASPB1 and MML Leishmania proteins in a vaccine trial against experimental canine leishmaniasis




The protective capabilities of three Leishmania recombinant proteins – histone 1 (H1) and hydrophilic acylated surface protein B1 (HASPB1) immunized singly, or together as a protein cocktail vaccine with Montanide™, and the polyprotein MML immunized with MPL®-SE adjuvant – were assessed in beagle dogs. Clinical examination of the dogs was carried out periodically under blinded conditions and the condition of the dogs defined as asymptomatic or symptomatic. At the end of the trial, we were able to confirm that following infection with L. infantum promastigotes, five out of eight dogs immunized with H1 Montanide™, and four out of eight dogs immunized with either the combination of HASPB1 with Montanide™ or the combination of H1 + HASPB1 with Montanide™, remained free of clinical signs, compared with two out of seven dogs immunized with the polyprotein MML and adjuvant MPL®-SE, and two out of eight dogs in the control group. The results demonstrate that HASPB1 and H1 antigens in combination with Montanide™ were able to induce partial protection against canine leishmaniasis, even under extreme experimental challenge conditions.
机译:三种单独的利什曼原虫重组蛋白(组蛋白1(H1)和亲水性酰化表面蛋白B1(HASPB1))或与Montanide™一起作为蛋白鸡尾酒疫苗和通过MPL ®免疫的多蛋白MML一起免疫的保护能力。 sup> -SE佐剂–在比格犬中进行评估。在不知情的情况下定期进行狗的临床检查,并且将狗的状况定义为无症状或有症状。在试验结束时,我们能够确认,在感染了婴儿前鞭毛乳杆菌之后,八分之八的狗接受了H1 Montanide™免疫,八分之四的狗接受了HASPB1与Montanide™的结合或H1 + HASPB1与Montanide™的组合仍然没有临床体征,而用多蛋白MML和佐剂MPL ® -SE免疫的7只狗中有2只,对照组中8只狗中有2只组。结果表明,即使在极端的实验挑战条件下,HASPB1和H1抗原与Montanide™的结合也能够诱导针对犬利什曼病的部分保护。



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