首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Elsevier Sponsored Documents >Label-free electrochemical impedance biosensor to detect human interleukin-8 in serum with sub-pg/ml sensitivity

Label-free electrochemical impedance biosensor to detect human interleukin-8 in serum with sub-pg/ml sensitivity

机译:无标记电化学阻抗生物传感器可检测亚pg / ml灵敏度的血清中人白细胞介素8



Biosensors with high sensitivity and short time-to-result that are capable of detecting biomarkers in body fluids such as serum are an important prerequisite for early diagnostics in modern healthcare provision. Here, we report the development of an electrochemical impedance-based sensor for the detection in serum of human interleukin-8 (IL-8), a pro-angiogenic chemokine implicated in a wide range of inflammatory diseases. The sensor employs a small and robust synthetic non-antibody capture protein based on a cystatin scaffold that displays high affinity for human IL-8 with a KD of 35±10 nM and excellent ligand specificity. The change in the phase of the electrochemical impedance from the serum baseline, ∆θ(ƒ), measured at 0.1 Hz, was used as the measure for quantifying IL-8 concentration in the fluid. Optimal sensor signal was observed after 15 min incubation, and the sensor exhibited a linear response versus logarithm of IL-8 concentration from 900 fg/ml to 900 ng/ml. A detection limit of around 90 fg/ml, which is significantly lower than the basal clinical levels of 5–10 pg/ml, was observed. Our results are significant for the development of point-of-care and early diagnostics where high sensitivity and short time-to-results are essential.
机译:能够检测体液(例如血清)中生物标志物的高灵敏度,短结果时间的生物传感器是现代医疗保健中进行早期诊断的重要前提。在这里,我们报告了一种基于电化学阻抗的传感器的开发,该传感器可用于检测人白细胞介素8(IL-8)的血清,白细胞介素8(IL-8)是一种促血管生成趋化因子,与多种炎症性疾病有关。该传感器采用基于胱抑素支架的小而坚固的合成非抗体捕获蛋白,该蛋白对人IL-8具有高亲和力,KD为35±10 nM,并具有出色的配体特异性。在0.1Hz处测得的相对于血清基线的电化学阻抗的相位变化Δθ(ƒ)被用作量化液体中IL-8浓度的量度。孵育15分钟后观察到最佳的传感器信号,并且该传感器表现出从800 fg / ml到900 ng / ml的IL-8浓度对数线性关系。检出限约为90fg / ml,明显低于基础临床水平5-10pg / ml。我们的结果对于开发护理点和早期诊断具有重要意义,在这些领域中,高灵敏度和短结果时间至关重要。



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