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Living with a double burden: Meanings of pain for women with fibromyalgia




Living with fibromyalgia (FM) means living with a chronic pain condition that greatly influences daily life. The majority of people with FM are middle-aged women. The aim of this study was to elucidate meanings of pain for women with FM. Fifteen women with FM were interviewed about their pain experiences and a phenomenological hermeneutic interpretation was used to analyse the interview texts. The findings show that meanings of pain for women with FM can be understood as living with a double burden; living with an aggressive, unpredictable pain and being doubted by others in relation to the invisible pain. The ever-present pain was described as unbearable, overwhelming, and dominated the women's whole existence. Nevertheless, all the women tried to normalize life by doing daily chores in an attempt to alleviate the pain. In order to support the women's needs and help them to feel well despite their pain, it is important that nurses and health care personnel acknowledge and understand women with FM and their pain experiences.
机译:患有纤维肌痛(FM)意味着生活在慢性疼痛状态,极大地影响了日常生活。 FM的大多数是中年女性。这项研究的目的是阐明患有FM的女性的疼痛含义。对15名患有FM的女性进行了疼痛经历访谈,并采用现象学的解释学方法对访谈文本进行了分析。研究结果表明,对于患有FM的女性而言,疼痛的含义可以理解为承受双重负担。遭受侵略性,无法预测的痛苦,并因看不见的痛苦而被他人怀疑。人们一直描述的痛苦是无法忍受的,压倒性的,并且支配着妇女的全部生存。然而,所有妇女都试图通过做日常家务来减轻生活中的痛苦,从而使生活正常化。为了满足妇女的需求并帮助他们尽管痛苦仍能感觉良好,护士和卫生保健人员必须承认并了解患有FM的妇女及其痛苦经历。



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