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Using different Facebook advertisements to recruit men for an online mental health study: Engagement and selection bias




A growing number of researchers are using Facebook to recruit for a range of online health, medical, and psychosocial studies. There is limited research on the representativeness of participants recruited from Facebook, and the content is rarely mentioned in the methods, despite some suggestion that the advertisement content affects recruitment success. This study explores the impact of different Facebook advertisement content for the same study on recruitment rate, engagement, and participant characteristics. Five Facebook advertisement sets (“resilience”, “happiness”, “strength”, “mental fitness”, and “mental health”) were used to recruit male participants to an online mental health study which allowed them to find out about their mental health and wellbeing through completing six measures. The Facebook advertisements recruited 372 men to the study over a one month period. The cost per participant from the advertisement sets ranged from $0.55 to $3.85 Australian dollars. The “strength” advertisements resulted in the highest recruitment rate, but participants from this group were least engaged in the study website. The “strength” and “happiness” advertisements recruited more younger men. Participants recruited from the “mental health” advertisements had worse outcomes on the clinical measures of distress, wellbeing, strength, and stress. This study confirmed that different Facebook advertisement content leads to different recruitment rates and engagement with a study. Different advertisement also leads to selection bias in terms of demographic and mental health characteristics. Researchers should carefully consider the content of social media advertisements to be in accordance with their target population and consider reporting this to enable better assessment of generalisability.
机译:越来越多的研究人员正在使用Facebook招募各种在线健康,医学和社会心理研究。关于从Facebook招聘的参与者的代表性的研究有限,尽管有人暗示广告内容会影响招聘的成功,但方法中很少提及其内容。这项研究探索了针对同一研究的不同Facebook广告内容对招聘率,参与度和参与者特征的影响。使用五个Facebook广告集(“韧性”,“幸福”,“力量”,“心理健康”和“心理健康”)招募男性参与者参加在线心理健康研究,从而使他们能够了解自己的心理健康通过完成六项措施来实现福祉。 Facebook广告在一个月的时间内招募了372名男性参加这项研究。广告集每位参与者的费用从0.55澳元到3.85澳元不等。 “实力”广告导致了最高的招聘率,但来自该组的参与者最少参与了该研究网站。 “力量”和“幸福”广告招募了更多的年轻人。从“心理健康”广告中招募的参与者在患病,健康,力量和压力的临床指标方面的结果较差。这项研究证实,不同的Facebook广告内容会导致不同的招聘率和参与度。不同的广告还会导致人口统计学和心理健康特征方面的选择偏见。研究人员应仔细考虑社交媒体广告的内容是否与其目标人群相符,并考虑对其进行报告,以便更好地评估可推广性。



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