首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Aging Research >Effect of Electronic Messaging on Physical Activity Participation among Older Adults

Effect of Electronic Messaging on Physical Activity Participation among Older Adults




The purpose of this study was to determine if electronic messaging would increase min of aerobic physical activity (PA) among older adults. Participants were active older adults (n = 28; M age = 60 years, SD = 5.99, and range = 51–74 years). Using an incomplete within-subjects crossover design, participants were randomly assigned to begin the 4-week study receiving the treatment condition (a morning and evening text message) or the control condition (an evening text message). Participants self-reported min of completed aerobic PA by cell phone text. The 1-way within-subjects ANOVA showed significant group differences (p < 0.05). Specifically, when participants were in the treatment condition, they reported significantly greater average weekly min of aerobic PA (M = 96.88 min, SD = 62.9) compared to when they completed the control condition (M = 71.68 min, SD = 40.98). Electronic messaging delivered via cell phones was effective at increasing min of aerobic PA among older adults.
机译:这项研究的目的是确定电子消息传递是否会增加老年人的有氧体育锻炼(PA)的最小值。参加者为活跃的老年人(n = 28; M年龄= 60岁,SD = 5.99,范围= 51-74岁)。使用不完整的受试者内部交叉设计,将参与者随机分配到接受治疗条件(早晚短信)或对照条件(晚短信)的4周研究中。参与者通过手机短信自我报告了完成的有氧PA的分钟数。受试者内部1路方差分析显示显着的组差异(p <0.05)。具体来说,当参与者处于治疗状态时,他们报告的有氧PA的平均每周分钟数显着更高(M = 96.88 min,SD = 62.9),而他们完成控制状况时(M = 71.68 min,SD = 40.98)。通过手机发送的电子消息可以有效提高老年人的有氧PA最小值。



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