class='kwd-title'>Keywords: Annatto, Bixin, Anti'/> Phytochemistry biological activities and potential of annatto in natural colorant production for industrial applications – A review
首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Advanced Research >Phytochemistry biological activities and potential of annatto in natural colorant production for industrial applications – A review

Phytochemistry biological activities and potential of annatto in natural colorant production for industrial applications – A review




class="kwd-title">Keywords: Annatto, Bixin, Antibacterial activity, Anticancer activity, Textile dyeing class="head no_bottom_margin" id="idm140288447762608title">AbstractBixa orellana commonly known as annatto is one of the oldest known natural dye yielding plants native to Central and South America. Various parts of annatto have been widely used in the traditional medical system for prevention and treatment of a wide number of health disorders. The plethora of traditional uses has encouraged researchers to identify and isolate phytochemicals from all parts of this plant. Carotenoids, apocarotenoids, terpenes, terpenoids, sterols, and aliphatic compounds are main compounds found in all parts of this plant and are reported to exhibit a wide range of pharmacological activities. In recent years annatto has received tremendous scientific interest mainly due to the isolation of yellow–orange natural dye from its seeds which exhibits high biodegradability, low toxicity, and compatibility with the environment. Considerable research work has already been done and is currently underway for its applications in food, textile, leather, cosmetic, solar cells, and other industries. The present review provides up-to-date systematic and organized information on the traditional usage, phytochemistry and pharmacology of annatto. It also highlights its non-food industrial applications in order to bring more interest on this dye plant, identifies the existing gaps and provides potential for future studies. Studies reported in this review have demonstrated that annatto holds a great potential for being exploited as source of drugs and a potential natural dye. However, further efforts are required to identify extract biomolecules and their action mechanisms in exhibiting certain biological activities in order to understand the full phytochemical profile and the complex pharmacological effects of this plant.
机译:<!-fig ft0-> <!-fig @ position =“ anchor” mode =文章f4-> <!-fig mode =“ anchred” f5-> <!-fig / graphic | fig / alternatives / graphic mode =“ anchored” m1-> class =“ kwd-title”>关键字: Annatto,Bixin,抗菌活性,抗癌活性,纺织品染色 class =“ head no_bottom_margin” id =“ idm140288447762608title”>摘要通常被称为“ annatto”的Bixa orellana是中美洲和南美洲原生的最古老的天然染料生产植物之一。 annatto的各个部分已广泛用于传统医学系统中,以预防和治疗多种健康疾病。大量的传统用途鼓励研究人员从该植物的所有部位鉴定和分离植物化学物质。类胡萝卜素,类胡萝卜素,萜烯,萜烯,固醇和脂肪族化合物是该植物所有部位的主要化合物,据报道具有广泛的药理活性。近年来,annatto受到了广泛的科学兴趣,这主要是由于从其种子中分离出了橘黄色的天然染料,该染料显示出高生物降解性,低毒性以及与环境的相容性。对于食品,纺织,皮革,化妆品,太阳能电池和其他行业的应用,已经进行了大量的研究工作,并且目前正在进行中。本综述提供了有关胭脂红传统用法,植物化学和药理学的最新系统和有组织的信息。它还强调了其非食品工业应用,以引起对该染料厂的更多兴趣,确定存在的差距并为将来的研究提供潜力。这篇综述中报道的研究表明,胭脂红具有巨大的潜力被开发为药物来源和潜在的天然染料。然而,需要进一步的努力来鉴定提取物生物分子及其在表现出某些生物学活性中的作用机理,以便了解该植物的完整植物化学特征和复杂的药理作用。



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