首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics >Cytogenetic Analysis of Spontaneously Activated Noninseminated Oocytes and Parthenogenetically Activated Failed Fertilized Human Oocytes—Implications for the Use of Primate Parthenotes for Stem Cell Production

Cytogenetic Analysis of Spontaneously Activated Noninseminated Oocytes and Parthenogenetically Activated Failed Fertilized Human Oocytes—Implications for the Use of Primate Parthenotes for Stem Cell Production




>Purpose: Spontaneous parthenogenetically activated noninseminated oocytes and failed fertilized oocytes after ART activated by puromycin were studied to assess cleavage ability and the cytogenetic constitution of the resulting embryos.>Methods: Failed fertilized oocytes were exposed to puromycin, and whenever activation occurred, they were further cultured until arrest of development. FISH was used to assess the ploidy of spontaneous (group A) and induced parthenotes (group B).>Results: The mean number of oocytes exposed to puromycin and the percentage and type of activation were identical in IVF and ICSI patients. The more frequent types of activation were one or two pronuclei and one polar body suggesting that retention of the second polar body is a common event after parthenogenetic activation.>Conclusions: Retention of the second polar body and chromosome malsegregation were observed after parthenogenetic activation, either spontaneous or induced by puromycin. This means that using parthenogenetic embryos for stem cell research will require great care and attention.
机译:>目的:研究了嘌呤霉素激活ART后自发孤雌性激活的非授精卵母细胞和受精卵子失败,以评估其裂解能力和胚胎形成的细胞遗传结构。>方法:失败的受精卵母细胞将它们暴露于嘌呤霉素,并且每当发生活化时,将它们进一步培养直至发育停止。 FISH用于评估自发性(A组)和诱导的单性生殖(B组)的倍性。>结果: IVF和IVF中暴露于嘌呤霉素的卵母细胞的平均数目以及激活的百分比和类型相同ICSI患者。激活的更频繁的类型是一个或两个核和一个极体,这表明孤雌生殖激活后第二极体的保留是常见事件。>结论:第二极体的保留和染色体的错误分离是孤雌性激活后观察到的,是自发性的还是由嘌呤霉素诱导的。这意味着使用孤雌生殖胚胎进行干细胞研究将需要极大的关注和关注。



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