首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics >Molecular and Cytogenetic Characterization of Two Azoospermic Patients with X-Autosome Translocation

Molecular and Cytogenetic Characterization of Two Azoospermic Patients with X-Autosome Translocation




>Purpose>: To report two azoospermic patients with reciprocal X–autosome translocations.>Methods>: Cytogenetic analysis utilizing GTG-banding and Yq microdeletions shown by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with 12 sequence-tagged site (STS) markers for Y chromosome microdeletions.>Results>: Cytogenetic analysis showed one man with 46,Y,t(X;19)(q22;q13.3) and the other with 46,Y,t(X;8)(p22;q11). Neither had any Yq microdeletions shown. The patient with 46,Y, t(X;8)(p22;q11) showed a slightly lower than normal testosterone level. By NCBI-Blast search, we found four testis-specific genes, t-complex-associated-testis-expressed 1-like (TCTE1L), Ferritin, heavy polypeptide-like 17 (FTHL17), Testis expressed sequence 13A (TEX13A), and Testis expressed sequence 13B (TEX13B) located near breakpoints on X chromosome. FTHL17, TEX13A, and TEX13B are spermatogonially-expressed, germ-cell-specific genes.>Conclusion>: This is the first clinical report of azoospermia with reciprocal X–autosome translocations on Xp22 and q22. These translocations on Xp22 and q22 may be direct genetic risk factors for azoospermia.
机译:>目的 >::报告两名患有X染色体常染色体易位的无精子症患者。>方法 >:利用GTG谱带进行细胞遗传学分析聚合酶链反应(PCR)和Yq微缺失以及Y染色体微缺失的12个序列标记位点(STS)标记显示。>结果 >:细胞遗传学分析显示一名46岁的男性, Y,t(X; 19)(q22; q13.3),另一个为46,Y,t(X; 8)(p22; q11)。均未显示任何Yq微缺失。 46,Y,t(X; 8)(p22; q11)患者的睾丸激素水平略低于正常水平。通过NCBI-Blast搜索,我们发现了四个睾丸特异性基因,t复杂相关睾丸表达的1样(TCTE1L),铁蛋白,重多肽样17(FTHL17),睾丸表达的序列13A(TEX13A)和睾丸表达了位于X染色体断点附近的序列13B(TEX13B)。 FTHL17,TEX13A和TEX13B是精原细胞表达的生殖细胞特异性基因。>结论 >:这是无精子症的首例临床报道,其在Xp22上发生X染色体常染色体易位和q22。 Xp22和q22上的这些易位可能是无精症的直接遗传危险因素。



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