首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics >Low Multiple Pregnancy Rates and Reduced Frequency of Cancellation After Ovulation Induction with Gonadotropins If Eventual Supernumerary Follicles Are Aspirated to Prevent Polyovulation

Low Multiple Pregnancy Rates and Reduced Frequency of Cancellation After Ovulation Induction with Gonadotropins If Eventual Supernumerary Follicles Are Aspirated to Prevent Polyovulation




>Purpose:Our purpose was to demonstrate the feasibility of the routine aspiration of supernumerary follicles in infertile patients with imminent polyovulation after ovulation induction with gonadotropins and to examine its effect on the frequency of cycle cancellation and on the (multiple) pregnancy rate.>Methods:The data on 796 treatment cycles, performed between 1989 and 1996 on 410 infertile couples, were analyzed retrospectively. From October 1992, whenever necessary, supernumerary ovarian follicles were selectively aspirated transvaginally under ultrasound guidance to prevent the ovulation of more than three follicles. Thereafter, intrauterine insemination was performed.>Results:After the adoption of transvaginal ultrasound-guided aspiration of supernumerary follicles into the treatment protocol in October 1992, the number of canceled cycles (P < 0.0001) and the multiple pregnancy rate (P < 0.01) were significantly reduced compared to those previously. The overall pregnancy rate remained stable. No ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome requiring hospitalization was noted, and no complications resulting from the follicle aspiration were registered.>Conclusions:Transvaginal ultrasound-guided aspiration of supernumerary ovarian follicles increases both the efficacy and the safety of ovulation induction with gonadotropins. Because of the limited equipment required, this method represents an alternative for conversion of overstimulated cycles to more costly alternatives such as in vitro fertilization.
机译:>目的:我们的目的是证明在促性腺激素诱导排卵后多排卵的不育患者中常规卵泡常规抽吸的可行性,并检查其对周期取消频率和(多次)排卵的影响。 )。>方法:回顾性分析了1989年至1996年之间对410例不育夫妇的796个治疗周期的数据。从1992年10月开始,在必要的超声引导下,选择性地经阴道抽吸多余的卵巢卵泡,以防止三个以上卵泡排卵。之后,进行宫内授精。>结果:在1992年10月采用经阴道超声引导的多余卵泡抽吸治疗方案后,取消周期数(P <0.0001)和多次妊娠与以前相比,比率(P <0.01)显着降低。总体妊娠率保持稳定。没有发现需要住院的卵巢过度刺激综合征,也没有发现因卵泡抽吸引起的并发症。>结论:经阴道超声引导的多余卵泡抽吸可提高促性腺激素诱导排卵的有效性和安全性。由于所需设备有限,因此该方法代表了将过度刺激的周期转换为成本更高的替代方案(如体外受精)的替代方案。



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