首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>ACS Omega >pH-Dependent Multistate System Generated by a SyntheticFuranoflavylium Compound: An Ancestor of the Anthocyanin Multistateof Chemical Species

pH-Dependent Multistate System Generated by a SyntheticFuranoflavylium Compound: An Ancestor of the Anthocyanin Multistateof Chemical Species




The multistate of chemical species generated by 4′-hydroxy-3,2′-furanoflavylium is similar to that of anthocyanins and related compounds. This furanoflavylium multistate system was fully characterized by UV–visible and NMR spectroscopy, allowing determination of the respective equilibrium and rate constants. In contrast to the multistate generated by flavylium cations derived from anthocyanins and related compounds, the furanoflavylium multistate is characterized by much slower hydration and tautomerization (pyran ring opening–closing). In addition, the cis–trans isomerization of the chalcones of this system (2′-hydroxyaurones) is extremely slow when compared with anthocyanins. The observed similar order of magnitude for tautomerization and isomerization rate constants leads to peculiar kinetics from the flavylium cation (pH = 1) to the stable trans-chalcone (higher pH values). The hemiketal appears and disappears during the first stages of the kinetics, which gives the intermediate cis-chalcone (pseudo-equilibrium). This last species disappears in a much slower process, as fully characterized by 1H NMR, to give the final trans-chalcone.
机译:由4'-羟基-3,2'-呋喃黄酮产生的化学物种的多态与花色苷和相关化合物的相似。该呋喃黄酮多态系统已通过紫外可见光谱和NMR光谱进行了全面表征,从而可以确定各自的平衡和速率常数。与花青素和相关化合物衍生的黄酮阳离子产生的多态相反,呋喃黄酮多态的特征是水合作用和互变异构速度慢得多(吡喃环开合)。此外,与花色苷相比,该系统的查耳酮(2'-羟基金龙)的顺反异构化非常缓慢。对于互变异构和异构化速率常数,观察到的相似数量级导致从黄酮阳离子(pH = 1)到稳定的反查耳酮(较高的pH值)的特殊动力学。半动力学在动力学的第一阶段出现和消失,产生中间体顺式查尔酮(假平衡)。通过 1 1 H NMR充分表征,最后一个物种消失的过程要慢得多,最终形成了反查尔酮。



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