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Containing Ebola at the Source with Ring Vaccination




Interim results from the Guinea Ebola ring vaccination trial suggest high efficacy of the rVSV-ZEBOV vaccine. These findings open the door to the use of ring vaccination strategies in which the contacts and contacts of contacts of each index case are promptly vaccinated to contain future Ebola virus disease outbreaks. To provide a numerical estimate of the effectiveness of ring vaccination strategies we introduce a spatially explicit agent-based model to simulate Ebola outbreaks in the Pujehun district, Sierra Leone, structurally similar to previous modelling approaches. We find that ring vaccination can successfully contain an outbreak for values of the effective reproduction number up to 1.6. Through an extensive sensitivity analysis of parameters characterising the readiness and capacity of the health care system, we identify interventions that, alongside ring vaccination, could increase the likelihood of containment. In particular, shortening the time from symptoms onset to hospitalisation to 2–3 days on average through improved contact tracing procedures, adding a 2km spatial component to the vaccination ring, and decreasing human mobility by quarantining affected areas might contribute increase our ability to contain outbreaks with effective reproduction number up to 2.6. These results have implications for future control of Ebola and other emerging infectious disease threats.
机译:几内亚埃博拉环疫苗接种试验的中期结果表明,rVSV-ZEBOV疫苗具有很高的疗效。这些发现为使用环形疫苗接种策略打开了大门,在该策略中,每个索引病例的接触者和接触者都应立即接种疫苗,以遏制未来的埃博拉病毒病爆发。为了提供对环疫苗接种策略有效性的数值估算,我们引入了一种基于空间显式媒介物的模型来模拟塞拉利昂Pujehun区的埃博拉疫情,其结构与以前的建模方法类似。我们发现,环行疫苗接种可成功遏制有效繁殖数高达1.6的爆发。通过对表征卫生保健系统就绪性和容量的参数进行广泛的敏感性分析,我们确定了与环行疫苗一起接种可增加围堵可能性的干预措施。尤其是,通过改进接触追踪程序,从症状发作到住院的时间平均缩短到2-3天,在疫苗接种环上增加2 km的空间分量,并通过隔离受影响的区域来降低人员的流动性,可能有助于提高我们控制疫情的能力有效复制数高达2.6。这些结果对今后控制埃博拉和其他新发传染病威胁具有重要意义。



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