首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health >Psychosocial Burden and Strains of Pedagogues—Using the Job Demands-Resources Theory to Predict Burnout Job Satisfaction General State of Health and Life Satisfaction

Psychosocial Burden and Strains of Pedagogues—Using the Job Demands-Resources Theory to Predict Burnout Job Satisfaction General State of Health and Life Satisfaction

机译:使用工作需求 - 资源理论来预测倦怠工作满意度健康状况以及生活满意度的工作需求 - 资源理论



The current study examines the Job Demands-Resources theory among pedagogical professionals. A total of 466 pedagogues (n = 227 teachers; n = 239 social workers) completed the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire online. After testing the questionnaire structure using confirmatory factor analysis, a JD-R-based prediction model to predict effects of strains on the outcome constructs of burnout, job satisfaction, general state of health, and life satisfaction was estimated. The results confirm the questionnaire structure (RMSEA= 0.038; CFI = 0.94) as well as the fit of the prediction model (RMSEA = 0.039; CFI = 0.93). The outcome constructs could be predicted by emotional demands, work–privacy conflict, role conflicts, influence at work, scope for decision making, and opportunities for development (0.41 ≤ R² ≤ 0.57). Especially for life satisfaction, a moderator analysis proved the differences between teachers and social workers in the structure of the prediction model. For teachers, quantitative demands and work–privacy conflict are predictive, and for social workers, role conflicts and burnout are predictive. The study offers starting points for job-related measures of prevention and intervention.
机译:目前的研究审查了教学专业人士之间的工作需求 - 资源理论。共有466名教育(n = 227名教师; n = 239名社会工作者)在线完成了哥本哈根的心理社会问卷调查问卷。在使用验证因子分析测试问卷结构之后,估计了一种基于JD-R基的预测模型,以预测菌株对倦怠,工作满意度,健康状况以及生活满意度的结果构建的影响。结果证实了调查问卷结构(RMSEA = 0.038; CFI = 0.94)以及预测模型的拟合(RMSEA = 0.039; CFI = 0.93)。结果构建可以通过情绪需求,工作隐私冲突,角色冲突,工作的影响,决策范围以及发展机遇(0.41≤r²≤0.57)。特别是对于生活满意度,主持人分析证明了教师与社会工作者在预测模型的结构中的差异。对于教师来说,量化需求和工作隐私冲突是预测的,而社会工作者,角色冲突和倦怠是预测的。该研究提供了与职位的预防和干预措施的起点。



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