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Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA) for Femoral Neck Fractures: Comparison between Standard and Dual Mobility Implants




The purpose of this retrospective study is to compare the short-term clinical and radiological results between standard and dual mobility THA for femoral neck fractures (FNF) in older patients. The hypothesis is that the dual mobility cup (DMC) has the same outcomes but a lower dislocation rate than the standard THA. The study population included 56 patients (mean age 77.7 years, range 71–85) that underwent THA for displaced FNF. Patients were divided in two comparable groups for baseline characteristics (age, sex and comorbidities): 28 patients underwent THA with a standard cup (SC) and 28 THA with DMCs. The clinical records and radiograms were reviewed to search relevant data in their postoperative history. Two postoperative dislocations occurred in the SC group and none in the DMC group. At an average follow up of 23 months (12–40), 48 patients were available for the final evaluation. The WOMAC score for all patients averaged 6.26 (0–46) and was slightly better in the DMC group (4.94 vs. 7.58; p-value = 0.41); scores were significantly better in presence of neurological comorbidities (p-value = 0.04), in the absence of diabetes (p-value = 0.04) and in the case of psychiatric disorders (p-value = 0.02). Radiographic evaluation at one year showed signs of osteointegration in 42/48 (87.5%) acetabular components (20 DMCs, 22 SC). According to our experience, DMCs proved to be a valid option for the treatment of displaced FNF in older patients, since it allowed them to achieve short-term outcomes comparable to conventional THA, while decreasing the incidence of postoperative dislocations.
机译:该回顾性研究的目的是比较老年患者股骨颈骨折(FNF)的标准和双迁移率之间的短期临床和放射性导致。假设是双迁移率杯(DMC)具有相同的结果,但脱位率低于标准THA。研究人群包括56名患者(平均年龄77.7岁,71-85岁),为流离失所者的FNF进行了追踪。患者分为两种可比较的基团,用于基线特征(年龄,性和组合):28名患者用标准杯(SC)和28个与DMC进行28个患者。审查临床记录和额度压力机在术后历史中搜索相关数据。在SC组中发生两个术后脱位,DMC组中没有。平均跟进23个月(12-40),48名患者可用于最终评估。所有患者的WOMAC评分平均为6.26(0-46),在DMC组中略微好转(4.94与7.58; p值= 0.41);在没有糖尿病(P值= 0.04)的情况下,在没有糖尿病(P值= 0.04)和精神疾病的情况下,分数明显更好(p值= 0.04),并且在精神疾病(p值= 0.02)。一年内的射线照相评估显示42/48(87.5%)髋臼成分(20dMC,22 SC)的骨整折的迹象。根据我们的经验,DMC被证明是在老年患者中治疗流离症FNF的有效选择,因为它允许它们实现与常规THA相当的短期结果,同时降低了术后脱位的发生率。



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