首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health >Analysis of Bio-Risk Management System Implementation in Indonesian Higher Education Laboratory

Analysis of Bio-Risk Management System Implementation in Indonesian Higher Education Laboratory




Developing countries face various challenges in implementing bio-risk management systems in the laboratory. In addition, educational settings are considered as workplaces with biohazard risks. Every activity in a laboratory facility carries many potential hazards that can impact human health and the environment and may cause laboratory incidents, including Laboratory Acquired Infections (LAIs). In an effort to minimize the impact and occurrence of these incidents, it is necessary to evaluate the implementation of a bio-risk management system in every activity that involves handling biological agents. This study was conducted in an Indonesian higher-education institution, herein coded as University Y. This is a descriptive, semi-quantitative study aimed at analysing and evaluating the implementation of the bio-risk management systems used in laboratories by analysing the achievements obtained by each laboratory. The study used primary data that were collected using a checklist which referred to ISO 35001:2019 on Laboratory Bio-risk Management. The checklist consisted of 202 items forming seven main elements. In addition, secondary data obtained from literature and document review were also used. The results show that out of 11 laboratories examined, only 2 laboratories met 50% of the requirements, which were Laboratory A and B, achieving good performance. Regarding the clauses of standards, a gap analysis identified leadership, performance evaluation, and support as elements with the lowest achievement. Therefore, corrective action should be developed by enhancing the commitment from management as well as improving documentation, policy, education and training.
机译:发展中国家在实验室实施生物风险管理系统方面面临各种挑战。此外,教育设置被视为具有生物危害风险的工作场所。实验室设施中的每一项活动都带有许多可能影响人类健康和环境的潜在危害,并可能导致实验室事件,包括实验室遭受的感染(LAIS)。为了最大限度地减少这些事件的影响和发生,有必要在涉及处理生物药物的每种活动中评估生物风险管理系统的实施。本研究在印度尼西亚高等教育机构进行,这里是大学Y.这是一个描述性的半定量研究,旨在通过分析通过分析所获得的成就来分析和评估实验室中使用的生物风险管理系统的实施每个实验室。该研究使用了使用在实验室生物风险管理中提到ISO 35001:2019的清单收集的主要数据。清单由202个项目组成,形成七个主要元素。此外,还使用了从文献和文献审查获得的二级数据。结果表明,在审查了11个实验室中,只有2个实验室达到50%的要求,是实验室A和B,实现了良好的表现。关于标准条款,差距分析确定了领导,绩效评估,以及成就最低的元素。因此,应通过提高管理层的承诺以及改善文件,政策,教育和培训,制定纠正措施。



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