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Commentary to the paper: A child of two mothers: what about the father? Italian overview




I read with great interest in issue number three 2019 of Your prestigious journal the article by Gianluca Montanari Vergallo titled “A child of two mothers: what about the father? Italian overview” (1). The Author has elaborated on medically assisted procreation, which was meant to solve fertility issues (2) and led to situations such as «children of two mothers»(3), which would have been inconceivable until a few decades ago. Increasingly often, same-sex female couples who entered into civil unions, resort to heterologous fertilization abroad and after childbirth, the biological mother’s partner seeks to be legally recognized as the child’s social parent, in light of the fact that she agreed with the biological mother and shared with her the plan to start a family through heterologous fertilization (4). The European Court of Human Rights has granted member states a «broad margin of appreciation»: each individual country, by virtue of such recognition, is entitled to regulate such an issue with no risk of breaching European norms. Many Italian courts have ruled on the matter, although such rulings have often proven contradictory; such ambiguity has required the intervention of the Italian Supreme Court. Italian Justices have however denied the right of intended mothers of children born abroad through assisted reproduction to be legally registered, through rulings n. 12193, issued on 8th May 2019, and n. 7668, issued on 3rd April 2020. Hence, the legal registration of intended mothers, alongside the biological mothers, remains unauthorized. It was on the other hand confirmed that only couples who meet the standards laid out in article 5, subsection 1 of the current legislation can access heterologous fertilization procedures: heterosexual couples, over 18 years of age and potentially fertile, are then allowed to resort to such techniques (5). Italy’s Constitutional Court, through decision n. 221, issued on 18th June 2019, had already denied homosexual couples access to assisted reproduction, since in the Court’s rationale, such techniques were never intended as a means to fulfill one’s wish for parenthood that would be a mere alternative to natural procreation, according to individual desires of aspiring parents. The court also argues that family status requires the presence of a father and a mother. It should be noted that the Constitutional Court, via its ruling n. 151/2009, had allowed for pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, hence somehow going beyond the notion of “natural procreation”. Yet, that decision was meant to reaffirm the “therapeutic traits” of fertilization and to reinforce the heterosexual family model. In light of such an approach, how can the minor’s best interests be upheld and preserved? It is worth citing article 44, subsection I, letter d) of the 1983 law n. 184, which regulates adoptions in extraordinary circumstances. Such particular kinds of adoptions may include second-parent adoptions (known in Italy as “stepchild adoptions”), in cases where a parental relation was established irrespective of the biological relation. The applicability of such provisions may be instrumental in furthering the children’s best interests: motherhood is thus attributed to the biological mother, while at the same time, the child’s best interest is entrusted to the social parent, alongside the biological mother. Still, it cannot be up to the courts to enact directives regulating such anthropologically and morally complex issues. Lawmakers need to step in, by enacting legislation for the purpose of changing the current criteria for adoption eligibility, and drawing up new standards that will be better suited for modern societies and everybody’s needs; such efforts must take into account the transforming family, which is ever more often constituted by same-sex couples (7). New legislation is necessary to effectively regulate the rising trend toward homosexual parenting and to meet the needs of minors and their right to know their biological origins; such a right is enshrined within articles 2 and 3 Cost., which acknowledge the rights to personal identity and to personal, free development respectively, which may both be prejudiced, were the children not allowed to know their origins.
机译:我在发行数量极大的兴趣看了三2019你的权威杂志的文章赞布罗塔塔纳Vergallo题为两位母亲的“一个孩子:怎么样的父亲?意大利概述”(1)。笔者阐述了医疗辅助生育,这是为了解决生育问题(2),并导致情况,如«两个孩子的母亲»(3),这将是不可想象的,直到几十年前。越来越多的时候,谁进入公务员工会同性女夫妇,采取异源受精国外和分娩后,生母的合作伙伴寻求在法律上认定为孩子的社会父在,因为事实上,她同意与亲生母亲并与她分享通过异种受精(4)组建家庭的计划。人权欧洲法院已批准成员国«升值的广泛保证金»:每一个国家,凭借这样的认可,有权安排这样一个问题,没有违反欧洲标准的风险。许多意大利法院裁定此事,虽然这样的裁决往往被证明矛盾;这种不确定性已要求意大利最高法院的干预。然而,意大利法官已否认意在通过辅助生殖国外出生的孩子的母亲,以合法注册的权利,通过裁决ñ。 12193,于2019年5月8日发行,和n。 7668,于4月3日到2020年发行的。因此,预期母亲的合法注册,旁边的生母,仍然非法。这是对另一方面证实谁符合第5条,目前的立法可以访问异种受精过程的第1款中规定的标准,只有夫妻:异性夫妇,年满18岁并有可能肥沃,然后允许诉诸这样的技术(5)。意大利宪法法院通过决定去吃午餐。 221,2019年6月18日印发,已经拒绝同性恋伴侣获得辅助生殖,因为在法院的理由,这种技术从未打算为手段,以满足一个人的为人父母,这将是一个单纯的替代自然生育的愿望,根据有抱负的父母的个人欲望。法院还认为,家庭状况需要一个父亲和一个母亲的存在。应当指出的是,宪法法院,通过其执政ñ。 2009分之151,已经允许胚胎植入前基因诊断,因此在某种程度上超越“自然生育”的概念。然而,这一决定是为了重申施肥的“治疗性特征”,并加强对异性的家庭模式。在这种方法中的光,怎么能未成年人的最大利益得到维护和保存?这是1983年法的n值得援引第44条,第I,字母d)。 184,其中规定收养在特殊情况下。这样的特定种收养可以包括其中建立了亲关系进行而不管生物关系的第二父母收养(在意大利被称为“继子收养”),在箱子。这些规定的适用范围可能是在促进儿童的最佳利益的工具:因此母性归因于亲生母亲,而在同一时间,孩子的最佳利益委托给社会家长,旁边的亲生母亲。尽管如此,它不能由法院颁布指令规范此类人类学上和道义上复杂的问题。立法者需要介入,通过立法改变收养资格现行标准的目的,并拟定,将能更好地适用于现代社会,每个人的需求的新标准;这种努力必须考虑到家庭转化,这是以往任何时候都更多地是由同性伴侣(7)构成。新的立法是必要的,以有效调节向同性父母的上升趋势,并满足未成年人的需求和他们知道他们的来历生物的权利;这种权利是第2和第3的成本,分别承认的权利,个人身份和个人,自由的发展,这两者都可以损害内供奉,不允许知道它们的起源孩子。



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