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Curcumin prevents neuronal loss and structural changes in the superior cervical (sympathetic) ganglion induced by chronic sleep deprivation in the rat model




Stereological methods to evaluate the quantitative features of the superior cervical ganglion. a Position of the superior cervical ganglion (SCG) between external (ECA), internal (ICA) carotid arteries, and carotid body (CB). b Representative photograph from Giemsa-stained SCG shows the large ganglionic cell bodies (G), with nucleus (N) and nucleolus (n), Nissl bodies (arrow) in the neuronal cytoplasm. Sheets from small, elongated, or oval nuclei satellite cells (S) enclose each neuronal cell body and a vessel (V). Neuropil (Np) is a complex of neuronal process and connective tissue between the cells. c An optical disector snapshot. Neurons in which their nuclei came into focus during the scanning of the disector’s height without touching the left and bottom borders of the frame were counted (arrow). d The Z-axis distribution of the neuronal or glial nuclei was plotted to define the height of the disector. There are 10 columns each representing the percent of the counted nuclei in 10% of the section thickness from the top to bottom sections
机译:体视学方法评估颈上神经节的数量特征。颈上神经节(SCG)外部(ECA)之间,内部(ICA)的位置的颈动脉和颈动脉体(CB)。 b。从吉姆萨染色的SCG了代表性的照片中的大神经节细胞体(G)中,用核(N)和核仁(N),尼氏体(箭头)的神经元的细胞质中。由小的,细长的,或椭圆形细胞核卫星细胞(S)片包围每个神经元细胞体和容器(V)。神经纤维网(NP)是在细胞之间的复合物的神经元过程的和结缔组织。 c。将光学disector快照。其中它们的核而不接触框架的左侧和底部边界disector的高度的扫描期间进入了聚焦的神经元进行计数(箭头)。 d神经元或神经胶质核的Z轴分布作图来定义disector的高度。有10列,每列从顶部至底部的部分表示所计数的细胞核中的部分厚度的10%的百分比



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