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Emotion Detection for Social Robots Based on NLP Transformers and an Emotion Ontology




For social robots, knowledge regarding human emotional states is an essential part of adapting their behavior or associating emotions to other entities. Robots gather the information from which emotion detection is processed via different media, such as text, speech, images, or videos. The multimedia content is then properly processed to recognize emotions/sentiments, for example, by analyzing faces and postures in images/videos based on machine learning techniques or by converting speech into text to perform emotion detection with natural language processing (NLP) techniques. Keeping this information in semantic repositories offers a wide range of possibilities for implementing smart applications. We propose a framework to allow social robots to detect emotions and to store this information in a semantic repository, based on EMONTO (an EMotion ONTOlogy), and in the first figure or table caption. Please define if appropriate. an ontology to represent emotions. As a proof-of-concept, we develop a first version of this framework focused on emotion detection in text, which can be obtained directly as text or by converting speech to text. We tested the implementation with a case study of tour-guide robots for museums that rely on a speech-to-text converter based on the Google Application Programming Interface (API) and a Python library, a neural network to label the emotions in texts based on NLP transformers, and EMONTO integrated with an ontology for museums; thus, it is possible to register the emotions that artworks produce in visitors. We evaluate the classification model, obtaining equivalent results compared with a state-of-the-art transformer-based model and with a clear roadmap for improvement.
机译:对于社会机器人来说,有关人类情绪状态的知识是使其行为或将情绪与其他实体相关联的重要组成部分。机器人通过不同的媒体收集从中处理情绪检测的信息,例如文本,语音,图像或视频。然后正确地处理多媒体内容以识别情绪/情绪,例如,通过基于机器学习技术分析图像/视频中的面部和姿势,或者通过将语音转换为文本以进行自然语言处理(NLP)技术来执行情绪检测。在语义存储库中保留此信息为实现智能应用提供了广泛的可能性。我们提出了一个框架,以允许社会机器人发现情绪,并基于Emonto(情绪本体)以及在第一图或表格标题中存储语义存储库中的这些信息。请定义是否合适。一个代表情绪的本体论。作为一个概念验证,我们开发了一个专注于文本中情感检测的本框架的第一版,可以直接作为文本或通过转换为文本来转换语音。我们通过基于Google Application编程接口(API)和Python库,一个神经网络来标记基于文本的语音 - 文本转换器的博物馆的博物馆的旅游机器人的案例研究在NLP变形金刚和Emonto与博物馆的本体集成;因此,可以注册艺术品在游客中产生的情绪。我们评估分类模型,与基于最先进的变压器的模型相比,获得等效结果,并具有明确的路线图以进行改进。



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