首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Clinical Medicine >Association of Maternal Factors with Perinatal Complications in Pregnancies Complicated with Diabetes: A Single-Center Retrospective Analysis

Association of Maternal Factors with Perinatal Complications in Pregnancies Complicated with Diabetes: A Single-Center Retrospective Analysis




Objective: The aim of this study was to clarify the association of maternal factors with perinatal complications in pregnancies complicated with type 1 (T1D) or type 2 diabetes (T2D). Methods: We conducted a retrospective chart review and enrolled 26 Japanese pregnant women with diabetes who received perinatal care at our hospital between 2008 and 2015. Perinatal complications were defined as one or more of the following: miscarriage, fetal death, fetal dysfunction, fetal structural anomaly, small-for-gestational age, large-for-gestational age (LGA), premature birth, neonatal hypoglycemia, pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH), deterioration of maternal kidney function, and urgent Caesarean section (CS). The associations between perinatal complications and maternal factors were examined. Results: Approximately 70% and 50% of women with T1D and T2D experienced perinatal complications, respectively. LGA, neonatal hypoglycemia, and urgent CS were major perinatal complications in women with T1D, while PIH and urgent CS were major complications in those with T2D. In women with T1D, pre-gestational HbA1c was significantly higher in women with perinatal complications than in those without. In women with T2D, pre-gestational body mass index was significantly higher in women with perinatal complications than in those without. Conclusions: These findings suggest that while pre-gestational glycemic control remains the most important issue in women with T1D, pre-gestational weight control in addition to glycemic control should be greater emphasized in women with T2D to reduce the risk of perinatal complications.
机译:目的:本研究旨在阐明妊娠合并1型(T1D)或2型糖尿病(T2D)的孕产妇并发症与围产期并发症的关系。方法:我们进行了回顾性图表审查,纳入了2008年至2015年间在我们医院接受围产期护理的26名日本糖尿病孕妇。围产期并发症被定义为以下一项或多项:流产,胎儿死亡,胎儿功能障碍,胎儿结构异常,小胎龄,大胎龄(LGA),早产,新生儿低血糖,妊娠高血压(PIH),母体肾功能恶化和紧急剖腹产(CS)。围产期并发症与孕产妇因素之间的关联进行了检查。结果:患有T1D和T2D的女性分别约有70%和50%经历过围产期并发症。 LGA,新生儿低血糖和紧急CS是T1D妇女的主要围产期并发症,而PIH和紧急CS是T2D妇女的主要并发症。在患有T1D的女性中,有围产期并发症的女性的孕前HbA1c明显高于没有围产期并发症的女性。在患有T2D的女性中,围产期并发症的女性的孕前体重指数显着高于没有围产期并发症的女性。结论:这些发现表明,尽管妊娠前血糖控制仍然是T1D女性的最重要问题,但在T2D女性中应更加重视妊娠前体重控制以及血糖控制,以降低围产期并发症的风险。



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